
Trans Dancer Who Bared Chest at White House Accused of Sexual Assault

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Remember last year when Biden's handlers hosted a pride/drag show on the White House lawn featuring a bunch of strippers with children present? And one of them, a transgender "woman" with a fake rack, bared them for all the world to see?

That guy, Rose Montoya, was quickly banned from the White House since decency is on the ballot, of course.

Now Montoya stands accused of sexual assault by a biological woman who has mutilated herself into a facsimile of a man.

Jesse Diamond, the "man" in question, detailed in a long, long thread on X last week the incident wherein Montoya, whom she was dating at the time, took advantage of her while she was recovering from "phallo" surgery (I'll spare you the details of what that means).

Diamond also claims another transgender "man" named Elijah was Montoya's next victim, whom she tried to talk to ahead of time: "But Rose has a way with words; she always knows exactly what to say to make an insecure or lonely person feel good about themselves. She knows what words to use to uplift people. And that’s how she got us to trust her over time."

Montoya didn't limit himself to Diamond or this Elijah girl. In the last post, Diamond says 4 other transgender "men" have been assaulted by him.

And get this: Reduxx noted that Diamond spoke about this on TikTok, where she posted apparent screenshots of Montoya all but admitting to committing such a vile deed. Naturally, he blames it on "dysphoria."

"I genuinely thought for a while that you were triggered by me simply having a phallus. I thought maybe you’d like me more or want to be intimate with me if I had a vagina. This caused me so much pain and dysphoria. I’m sorry I forced myself on you."

Granted, as Reduxx themselves said, the authenticity of that email cannot be confirmed (even if it matches one found on Montoya's website), but something tells me that this Diamond character would not have made such a long thread talking about it if she was just making it up.

And in fairness, as I have said before, sexual assault is a very serious crime to be accused of (and should not be thrown around like confetti) and nothing seems to have been confirmed yet.

Still, I am not surprised at all this story exists, nor would I be surprised if Montoya's email refusing to take responsibility is authentic.

We at PJ Media and the rest of the Town Hall gang have all chronicled at least one case of "transgender" individuals demonstrating why we shouldn't be encouraging this mental illness, whether it be numerous cases of men pretending to be women as an excuse to act on their worst urges like rape, sexual assault, or general perversion that no sane man would act upon, or the rarer women pretending to be men who end up having violent urges like the Covenant shooter Audrey Hale or that one in Nashville I covered not too long ago who threatened Governor Bill Lee (R-Tenn.)

I know some of our readers speculate why we cover them, but sunlight is the best disinfectant.


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