
Trans 'Man' Threatened to Kill TN Governor, Wife

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

It's been a while since I wrote about something happening in the Volunteer State (hello again, Tennessee readers of PJ Media). The last time was when a bunch of anti-gun people protested a new state law allowing teachers to carry concealed in schools by holding a "die-in" on the Capitol floor.

This latest instance, however, is not as funny.

At the end of April, Tennessee authorities arrested McKenzie "Kalvin" McClure, a transgender "man" (meaning a woman pumping herself full of testosterone to look like a dude) for threatening to kill Gov. Bill Lee (R) and his wife, Maria. McClure also sent a suspicious voice message to her old school, Christ Presbyterian Academy, which she attended as a kid. In the message, McClure claimed First Lady Lee had been her fourth-grade teacher.

Related: Tennessee House Passes Law Allowing Armed Teachers, Lefties Hold 'Die-In'

The Tennessee Conservative detailed how McClure left the voice message late in March, apparently making a "Deadpool 2" reference, as the character Russell "Rusty" or "Firefist" Collins is an orphan who kills his abusive caretaker.

According to the Tennessee Star (I know you guys have the Volunteers, but that webpage's use of the orange color is eye-searing), Metro-Nashville Police did not arrest McClure at the time because her voice message did not constitute a concrete threat.

The Star provided part of the voicemail, where she told Christ Presbyterian Academy (CPA) to "trust me when I say unless you want another Deadpool 2, you killed by my hand type of stuff. You know exactly what I am talking about."

However, closer to the end of April, McClure posted about the Tennessee National Guard not interfering in the pro-Palestine (read: pro-Hamas) demonstrations occurring at the University of Tennessee campus in Knoxville because "the TNNG is smarter than that. They don’t wanna catch charges by just 'doing their job,'" as she put it.

Where the potential threat comes in is in a follow-up where McClure wrote:

In fairness, I am not entirely sure if McClure's tweet constitutes a direct death threat, but the earlier voicemail to her old school sounded far more threatening than that.

Either way, the voicemail was creepily close to the first anniversary of the Covenant shooting committed by another transgender "man" who was a former student in Nashville. That person killed six people, including three children.

And just like this more recent news story, it was quickly buried because the perpetrator was transgender. And thankfully, this latest incident with McClure did not have any casualties.

Related: Do We Finally Have a Glimpse at Trans Shooter's Woke Manifesto?

Still, my earlier claim that transgenderism is an excuse for men to act on their worst urges seems to cut the opposite way for women as well, but that might just be the testosterone talking.


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