Assassination, Inc.

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

In a time of runaway political turbulence and feverish incitement to violence, the attempt on Donald Trump’s life is by no means surprising. Assassination in various non-somatic flavors was always part of the Democrat playbook: reputation assassination, ballot assassination, financial assassination, judicial assassination. 


When these initiatives failed or seemed unlikely to bear fruit, physical assassination might present itself to some as a last resort. It became something of a meme among Democrat voters although no Democrat official would say the “A” word explicitly. Pelosi’s "You wouldn't even allow him in your house, much less in the White House" and “He must be stopped. He cannot be president" were worrisome statements. Biden’s “It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye” may be written off as a mere metaphor, but one recalls the famous historical episode in which King Henry II, who wished to eliminate his nemesis Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, uttered the fateful words “Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?” As Historic UK puts it, “Four of Henry’s knights, probably not the brightest of men, took this as a summons to action.” Today, there are enough crazies out there to render a metaphor or an utterance a physical reality.1140 may have something in common with 2024.

But there may be a curious twist to this sordid tale. The Democrats may wish Trump gone, in one way or another ejected from the presidential race, but they are also seeking to find a way to evict their greatest liability, a non compos Joe Biden, from the Democrat ticket, by forcing him to resign or bringing all manner of pressure to bear on their struggling standard bearer. As Victoria Taft writes at PJ Media, the Democrats “have come up with all kinds of ideas on how to get Joe out before the election. He has become expendable. So they're pulling a coup.” Taft cites Axios to the effect that “mostly veterans of the Obama and Clinton administrations, are plotting hourly to get him to withdraw quickly.”


Another scenario that is quite terrifying is the possible assassination not only of Donald Trump but of Joe Biden by some suggestible imbecile, for which the mob, the press and the Democrat nomenklatura would afterward blame some right-wing madman taking revenge for the attempt on Trump’s life. A degenerate media especially would be singing in choral accompaniment and MAGA Republicans would find themselves in the prisoner’s dock or counsel’s table on false charges, as did Trump before Judges Arthur Engoron and Juan Merchan.

Of course, no order need be issued. No elected official or media personality would go on record advocating assassination. All would be professedly horrified by such an act. But there are enough sanguinary leftist partisans, enough people who are both stupid, unhinged and plain evil, polluting the public square to take matters in their own hands. And what is said and decided behind the political curtain is anybody’s guess. People have been known to disappear under mysterious circumstances. 

Given Trump’s increasingly epic popularity after the latest atrocity, as well as the spectacle of Biden digging in his heels, some pro-Democrat maniac may decide there is only one way to salvage the Party’s electoral chances while sabotaging Donald Trump’s. Perhaps such an event might have an even more shadowy origin. No one knows.


But Joe Biden should be warned.


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