
'Died Suddenly': A Morbid Irony

AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File

"However, the third feature of Schadenfreude is that we often feel entitled to it when the other person’s suffering can be construed as a comeuppance—a deserved punishment for being smug or hypocritical."  —Tiffany Watt Smith, "Schadenfreude: The Joy of Another’s Misfortune"

It is gradually becoming known to those who have followed the pandemic scandal, done the research, and used their common sense that the anti-COVID-19 vaccines are, in fact, not vaccines. They are gene therapy substances intromitted by an mRNA lipid shell delivery system that is by no means what is popularly understood as a regular antibody vaccine. 

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people have gone along with what may well be the greatest scam in all of human history, lining up in droves to receive the jab, jubilating in their fantasy of moral rectitude, complaining about those who refused to take the COVID shot (aka the “clot shot”), and lobbying to have the hesitant stripped of their civic rights, quarantined and imprisoned. One recalls Noam Chomsky using his réclame to press for the segregation of the unvaccinated. “How can we get food to them? Well, that’s their problem.”

Billions of dollars have been spent on gutter propaganda — TV ads, fact-checks, tweets, talk shows, medical interviews, essays, and articles — to convince people to accept every step of this demonic plan, and people fell for it. After all, as Dr. Russell Blaylock at the National Library of Medicine (NLM) writes, “Television media receives the majority of its advertising budget from the international pharmaceutical companies—this creates an irresistible influence to report all concocted studies supporting their vaccines and other so-called treatments.” 

Consequently, the vaccines were universally touted — and believed — as “safe and effective.” The sequel furnished all the proof needed that a fearfully accepted delusion was a planetary catastrophe. It was not herd immunity that was at work but herd mentality.

A cytokine storm is now in effect, including infertility, miscarriage, circulatory issues, bacterial meningitis, neurological disorders, turbo cancer, vasculitis, blood clots, strokes, and death. As I remarked in a previous article for PJ Media, Dr. Syed Haider, an internal medicine specialist and founder of, noting how studies are showing drops in immune function with every inoculation, points to the alarming fact that “people who got vaccinated are now suffering from suppressed immune systems and getting weaker with each booster.” The vaccinations “are what drove the evolution of the virus, along with diminishing immunity in those who are vaccinated.” 

Similarly, Dr. Matthew Memoli, director of clinical studies at NIAID, warned Anthony Fauci that “mass vaccination… drives the evolution of the virus… prolonging the pandemic or causing more morbidity and mortality than it should.” As expected, people tend to refuse to face unpleasant truths.

The vindictiveness, maniacal hatred and triumphal vaunting directed at those who were legitimately reluctant to inject an experimental and rushed-to-market serum into their bodies can only be a symptom of emotional dysphoria, holier-than-thou sanctimony, or, as I suspect, subliminal and corrosive self-doubt, attributes that have caused untold harm to the sober and skeptical quarter of the population. 

All too many have been vested in attacking the vaccine hesitant to maintain the fiction of their own righteous and presumably justifiable choice, as if they were wise rather than otherwise. It’s an irrational but all-too-common psychological process, abuse as a form of self-confirmation. 

As it turns out, there may be a kind of retributive justice at work. Edward Dowd and Dr. William Makis have documented many of those who “died suddenly” — commonly referred to as SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) or “excess deaths” and attributed to “unknown causes.” Critics have documented, observed LifeSite Action Center, how alarmingly high levels of excess deaths correlated with the widespread introduction of so-called mRNA “vaccines.” 

The phenomenon plainly has very little, if anything, to do with what is conveniently called “Long COVID” but is most likely owing to what we may call vaccinitis. Among the lists of uninformed and innocent unfortunates who “died suddenly,” many young and healthy, Dr. Makis has focused on the morbid irony involving the large number of vaccine proponents who, priding themselves on their intelligence and social concern, denounced and slandered the non-vaccinated. 

Typical statements recorded by Dr. Makis praising the conformable and vilifying the unvaxxed run along such lines as “Please start penalizing antivaxxers”; “If you choose not to have the vaccine and you get sick, tough s**t”; “People that are afraid of the covid shots I categorize them as ‘the world is flat’ people”; “vaccine passports are the answer, leaving the unvaccinated facing the choice to either get vaccinated or mingle amongst themselves, away from those who are vaccinated”; “If you put me or my family in danger and refuse to remove yourself from my space, you will be pepper sprayed”; “I support an employer for firing their ass for not being vaccinated”; “All I am going to say is the following… F**k it, Die then.’” This is an expurgated gazette.

Dr. Mathis comments: “It is eerie to see just how brainwashed some people were. How they succumbed to irrational fear, anger and even hate in some cases.” Personally, I have come across many of my otherwise temperate countrymen who wished me dead for jeopardizing their health by walking about unmasked. That they were already vaccinated and therefore presumably safe from contagion did not occur to them. That masks are known to be ineffective, as even the warning on mask packages makes clear, escaped them perfectly. That the curve was not flattened in two weeks, as was confidently asserted, or even in two years, and that the “safe and effective” vaccines needed to be constantly boosted, proving they were not safe and effective, somehow went unnoticed. The cognitive dissonance filleting the popular mind is beyond accounting.  

I think of Canadian journalist Ian Vandaelle, a pro-vaxxer with a bully pulpit calling for a regime of forced vaccinations, who demanded that people get vaccinated to do even “non-essential things.” I followed the case for some time, making notes for a future article, but was anticipated by Milt Harris at PJ Media. 

Harris refers to Vandaelle as a vaccine enthusiast who “wanted unvaccinated people arrested and put away in concentration camps.” Though Vandaelle was fit, he “died suddenly” at the age of 33 and the cause of death remains a mystery, though one can reasonably speculate. “We have no reason to believe,” Harris writes, “that his death was the result of the vaccine.” It seems to me there is a strong likelihood that is precisely what happened. 

I know and know of a number of people who “died suddenly” or were seriously maimed or terminally injured shortly after taking the jab. Some, of course, were compelled via threat or social exclusion or the need to travel for reasons of work. I mourn for these poor souls. Pilots especially were and are at risk. Dr. Makis lists the sudden and inexplicable deaths of 24 pilots in 2023 and four more so far in 2024, as well as 14 younger people who succumbed to brain aneurysms after taking multiple shots. 

These figures derive from merely daily bulletins, of which I have consulted only a few—the count will increase with every passing week. According to reports compiled by Dr. Mathis, Dr. Colleen Huber, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Ed Dowd, Naomi Wolf, Mary Holland, Julius Ruechel, Barry Cooper and Marco Navarro-Génie, and many other reputable investigators, there has been a rash of “died suddenly” among people in all walks of life, including doctors and athletes as well. The denials that such is the case pouring in from innumerable Internet sites, public health officials, medical bureaucracies, newspapers, magazines, journals, wire services, so-called “fact-checks,” and nonprofits are a sure sign that the liars are starting to panic.

Many of the casualties, however, as we have noted, were pietistic moralizers and canting “haters” (to use a popular term), snide and unctuous, wishing all manner of harm and degradation on those who were prudent and courageous, resisting mob psychology and political coercion. Nonetheless, the skeptics are decried as “free riders.” According to a university study, the vaccinated held “strong exclusionary attitudes” and expressed “the desire to withhold basic rights.” This is putting it mildly. Gene Simmons of KISS put it more accurately: “You are the enemy.” A front-page editorial in the Toronto Star said it all. “Let them die.”

So here we are. One hesitates to engage in schadenfreude, but I must confess that I can’t work up much sympathy for those who wanted me banished from society, sent to re-education camps, confined to a prison cell, refused admission to hospitals regardless of need, or simply starved. I sympathize with those who were forced to bare their shoulders on pain of having to choose between jab or job, but try as I might, I can’t work up much fellow feeling for those who wanted me ostracized, jailed, or dead while luxuriating in their compliance with the medical and political authorities and who are now no longer with us. Ignorance and mean-spiritedness occasionally have consequences.  

One recalls that the great Victorian sage Thomas Carlyle, in "Shooting Niagara: And After?", admitted to feeling a delightful sort of schadenfreude, “a secret satisfaction, of the malicious or even of the judiciary kind — a mischief-joy the Germans call it, but really it is justice-joy withal.” It is the “justice-joy” I speak of here. Schadenfreude has its uses and its times. I do not feel vindicated, but neither do I feel guilty.


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