The Greatest Scam in All of Human History

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.  — Ephesians 5: 11 

The left-over expression vectors used to manufacture the mRNAs are at contamination levels 100-fold higher than originally proposed and imply trillions of DNA molecules per dose. This has implications for integration into our genome. — Jessica Rose 


The old saw tells us it takes only one bad apple to spoil the barrel. Unfortunately, one good apple in a barrel of bad apples does not have a corresponding positive effect. There are, be it said, a small number of good apples in a vast Covid-scam barrel of absolutely horrendous and rotting bad apples, but it has taken an inordinately long time for the better influence to be felt. 

Quantitative biologist Alex Washburne, an extremely good apple, has posted a major essay, “Scientists For Science – the “boys will be boys” of science,” in which the tactics, strategies, intentions, and deceptions of the globoid villains are laid out plain to see. The con they have promoted is almost beyond belief, both in its scope and its success. Almost every country in the world, the financial elite, corporate Pharma, and the political class as a whole are implicated, with only a few exceptions like Sweden and Belarus. Professors Fredrik Andersson and Lars Jonung revel in the fact that Sweden, almost unique among nations in its pandemic policy, recognized that “China’s authoritarian government should not have served as a guide for a liberal democracy.” Belarussian President Aleksandr Lukashenko claims that the World Bank and the IMF offered him $940 million to impose “extreme lockdown on his people,” force them to wear face masks, decree strict curfews, establish a police state, and ultimately crash the economy.


The sordid affair begins with bum science. A group called Scientists For Science, which Washburne dubs the “pathogenic academic lobby,” includes such prestigious figures, among others, as National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Francis Collins, Peter Daszak at EcoHealth Alliance and Jeremy Farrar, head of the Wellcome Trust. All have “financial conflicts of interest connecting [them[ to the Wuhan labs” and “ties directly to the researchers of concern [who] may have caused the pandemic.” Washburne is being ginger here, relying on a modal rather than a declarative, but the purport of his 16-page thesis leaves no doubt that such was the case.

In 2018, Washburne writes, Daszak raised the ante “by inserting a furin cleavage site in a bat SARSr-COV infectious clone.” In 2019, he continues, “a bat-related SARSr-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, emerged in Wuhan, walking distance from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, containing a furin cleavage site never before seen in a SARS-CoV, leaving no trace in animal trade networks, emerging with remarkably high affinity for human receptors, and containing unusual stitches in its genome consistent with an infectious clone.” The damage had been done. Despite the standard run of bastard fact-checks to the contrary, something was created not found in nature, which no vaccine could effectively combat.


These scientists insisted they were not practicing gain-of-function research, that is, deliberately enhancing a pathogen, and that the virus was of zoonotic origin and not a bioengineered phenomenon. But they lied. “Scientists For Science corrupted scientific power,” Washburne laments, “and used their positions in unethical ways such as prompting, ghostwriting, and promoting the false claim that a lab origin is ‘implausible.’” Fauci brought a network of highly conflicted funders and scientists together “and surgically excluded experts without these conflicts of interest.” These actors “formed research cartels defined by shared beliefs, and they despised the people who tried to regulate them.”

What is actually terrifying is that they “engaged in unfathomable risk-taking and likely caused a pandemic resulting in 20 million deaths without adding anything of industrial value to the world. They admitted there was nothing of known industrial value down this path, but they went down that path anyways…They just wanted to enhance the pathogenicity of pathogens for papers, grants, fame, and an esoteric understanding on the mechanisms of disease without direct application to industry or biodefense.”

Accordingly, they proceeded to mobilize an extensive media and iatric campaign to promote the claim that lab origin theories were conspiracy theories and to denounce their critics as charlatans. They represented themselves as “the science” and their adversaries as “anti-science” when the opposite was the case. They used their “official positions of power to overturn [an earlier] moratorium on this risky research.” History, Washburne concludes, “could even hold Fauci, Collins, and Farrar responsible for this outbreak through a mix of their funding for Daszak and their support of Scientists For Science.” 


As noted, Washburne accuses these faux scientists of taking so massive a risk under the pretext of discovering antidotes, none of which even remotely existed or were hypothesized. But there is clearly a political aspect to this confidence game as well. As Jeffrey Tucker writes, the Covid virus and the associated pandemic was “an industrial plot to impose a vast censorship regime on the planet.” Tucker’s devastating critique of pandemic science should be studied by everyone with a functioning mind and a responsible stake in the culture. The regulations the authorities imposed on a fearful, ignorant and compliant public were insane and contra real science. “Finally, they said they had a magic potion that would fix the problem. It’s a new thing, a gene therapy that comes wrapped in little capsules that we inject into your skin. It’s been tested as 95 percent effective, and you know that’s true because it is a number with a percent. There are no side effects even though there was no way they could know that regardless.”

Similarly, in the words of Dr. Toby Rogers, the biowarfare industry has captured capital itself. Pandemics, chronic disease, and response is a growth industry—one of the only growth industries on Earth at this point. DNA is the new terra nullius to be conquered and colonized.” What is striking about Covid, he continues, “is that every step was designed to inflict maximum harm. Actual science was always ignored. Every action by government for four years degraded the health of the public.”  


The partial list he provides of such venal and internecine measures is sobering: Blocking access to hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Respirators that kill 90% of patients. Seeding nursing homes with Covid+ patients. Closing schools for two years. Masks that reduce oxygen. Keeping liquor stores open while closing the churches. Closing hiking trails, beaches, and parks, thus preventing people from getting vitamin D. The application of useless and deadly drugs like Remdesivir and Paxlovid. Firings, censorship, and blacklisting of critical thinkers. And what we might regard as the follow-up strategy to the lab-generated virus, i.e., the most toxic and deadly “vaccines in history—which are not vaccines but gene therapy substances intromitted by an mRNA lipid shell delivery system. 

“A horrible and shocking thing has happened in the land,” thunders the prophet Jeremiah, when leaders and priests speak falsely, enrich themselves and lead people astray. So it is today. Spurious science, political motives, and vaccine treachery obviously go together in a composite bundle of extortionate artifice: reputations were to be made, increasing control over the public arena to be secured, and immense fortunes to be amassed. The pandemic itself was not what it was made out to be. One wonders how long it will take, if ever, for the public to shed their masks, refuse the boosters, and demand that the bad apples who inflicted this unnecessary catastrophe upon us be brought to justice.



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