The Morning Briefing: Biden Grabs an Ice Cream to Distract From Inflation

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

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Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Cheyenne never let anyone forget about her superior ability to get rid of pomegranate stains.


If you happened to have recently experienced a certain amount of internal bleeding whilst worrying about the state of your personal finances and the economy overall, you should know that Joe Biden thinks you’re an idiot.

Well, he didn’t exactly say it like that. He really doesn’t put words together very well anymore, as we are all painfully aware. The heavy implication was there, however.

Seriously, kids, President LOLEightyonemillion says everything is A-OK. Matt has the story:

During a campaign stop at a Baskin-Robbins in Portland, Ore., on Saturday, Joe Biden declared the economy to be “strong as hell” under his administration.

“Our economy is strong as hell,” Biden claimed while going to town on his ice cream, before adding, “the internals of it.”

The whole “Look! He’s one of us because he goes out for ice cream!” shtick is wearing a little thin at this point, especially since most people can’t afford to go out for ice cream in Joe Biden’s America.

It’s also a bit nausea-inducing that the propaganda press so loves these “folksy Joe” moments.

The man has been among the political elite in this country for over half a century. When he hits a Baskin-Robbins, he’s got a security detail and a camera crew in tow.

You know, just like you and me.

There is little doubt that Ol’ Joe truly believes that the economy is kicking you-know-what. There is also little doubt that he truly believes that the Easter Bunny is his little spoon and talks to him every night in bed.


It’s obvious that the Democrats’ last big hope before the midterms is that voters will undergo some sort of mass hallucination about inflation. They’re so used to controlling the message via the mainstream media that they think people will buy the “Everything is fine…” spin.

This is one of the few times that Biden wasn’t off-script. The Democrats’ approach for months now is to try and convince voters that things aren’t really so bad via a series of mind-numbing lectures in macroeconomics. They’re hoping to bore the electorate into stupidity or apathy.

Spoiler alert: We’re still paying too much for gas and groceries. It’s not gonna work.

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