The Democrat-Media-Industrial Complex Is Doubling Down on Censorship

AP Photo/Nick Wass

Put very mildly, Republicans and Democrats aren’t playing very nice with each other anymore. In case the owner of the last pair of rose-colored glasses in America is reading this, I want to make it clear to him or her that there won’t be a lighting of the unity between the two sides candle any time soon.


It should be fairly obvious by now to even a casual observer of politics that the Democrats’ endgame is to shut down all expression from the right side of the aisle. That’s what Joe Biden’s tantrum in Philly was about. On Tuesday, Paula wrote about Ohio Democratic Senate candidate Tim Ryan saying, “We have to kill and confront [the MAGA] movement,” to an MSNBC audience.

The Dems have a lot of weapons at their disposal in this effort. We’ve witnessed on multiple occasions the casual ease with which the Biden administration will weaponize the federal government to attack political opponents. Of course, their old friends in the mainstream media and new friends in social media are hard at work for them.

Facebook admitted to getting directives from the FBI and continues to play God about which content should be seen. Twitter will routinely red-flag PJ Media content with a “this link may not be safe” warning, all to keep the “rightwing extremist” false narrative alive.

This is something we deal with all day, every day. We tell the truth, get censored, then we’re eventually proven right. We fight back with hard work, facts, and, quite often, humor. Our trump card (yeah that was intentional) against the Democrats’ full-on assault against the First and Second Amendments is our VIP subscribers, who help us keep kicking you-know-what and taking names.

Our VIP content is an eclectic mix of hardcore reporting, opinion columns, podcasting, and — not gonna lie — a fair amount of discussion about adult beverages. Every Thursday, my good friend Stephen Green and I host a live video chat for our VIP Gold subscribers. It’s a three-hour romp through the news of the day that also includes wide-ranging discussions about books, movies, video games, history, and, once again, adult beverages. We also have guests from other Townhall sites. Last week Larry O’Connor joined us and we ended up brainstorming a couple of documentary projects.


It’s a battle, but we’re waging it cheerfully. You can subscribe here and use the promo code SAVEAMERICA to receive a 40% discount. A VIP subscription gets you access to all of the PJ Media premium content except the live chat. A VIP Gold subscription opens up all of the premium content on every Townhall site (PJ Media, Townhall, HotAir, RedState, Bearing Arms, and Twitchy). You can enjoy a variety of work from the likes of Kurt Schlichter, Katie Pavlich, and the aforementioned Mr. O’Connor.

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