Make America Trump Again
Happy Friday, my favorite people. I truly hope that all of my Kruiser Morning Briefing friends are full of #TGIF.
A quick, but necessary Morning Briefing today. This isn’t a news thing. It’s pure opinion from yours truly.
That’s really kind of what we’re all here for though, isn’t it?
I usually don’t like to go all apocalyptic gloom and doom about an election but I feel the need for a little conservative emo at the moment.
I’m not a fan of Donald Trump’s re-election simply because I’m a Republican and loathe the Democratic alternative. I’m a fan because he is the second-greatest conservative president in history. The first was Ronald Reagan, of course.
(Side note: We don’t include Abraham Lincoln in discussions like this because he is a stand-alone figure in history.)
I am the resident pessimist here at the Townhall Mothership about the president’s re-election chances. I wish I could take comfort from my friends and colleagues who feel that Trump has got this election, but I just can’t find my way to what I feel is irrational exuberance.
I wish I could, because I really do feel that this is a watershed election.
I will now examine the political landscape as I see it.
We are on the precipice as a nation right now. We’re faced with a choice between people who value life and liberty and people who want to take your guns, keep you from going to church, and criminalize speech.
If Donald Trump isn’t re-elected the American experiment is over.

There is no way to spin the existential crisis nature of this election. Those on my side of the aisle know that we’re toast if the Democrats win. Those on the other side will find out that they’re the most dispensable idiots in the New World Order.
The reality is this: vote for Donald Trump or kiss every constitutional amendment you ever cared about goodbye.
The Democrats will be coming after your 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 14th amendment rights as soon as they can. A Dem president will certainly abrogate your rights via executive order. That can be easily undone with a regime change, of course.
They aren’t shy about any of this now. Hit the Google button, kids, and you will see that I am right.
Vote Trump or we’re all in gulags learning Mandarin.
Wait, no I’m not.
PJM Linktank
#TrueStory. No, Kamala Harris: Joe Biden Has Not Been Transparent About His Health
Me: Barely Coherent Pelosi Answers Question About COVID Stimulus With 25th Amendment Threat
Treacher: Fauci: ‘Reasonably Good Chance’ Regeneron Worked on Trump
Also me: Petty Tyrant Gavin Newsom Continues to Ruin Lives, Says Amusement Parks Won’t Reopen Soon
Deadline Retracts Fake News About Mike Pence, But Won’t Clarify WHY it Was Wrong
At Least Two of Gretchen Whitmer’s Kidnapping Conspirators Appear to Be Anti-Trump Anarchists
Plot to Overthrow ‘Tyrant’ Gretchen Whitmer Is Thwarted. Michigan Governor Blames Trump.
Senator Mike Lee Exposes the Left’s Astonishing Ignorance About Government
CNN’s Post-Debate Flash Poll Is Pure Crap, and Here’s the Proof
AOC Stamps Her Feet and Demands to Be Called by Her Proper Title
Texas Supreme Court Rules Harris County Can’t Send Ballot Applications to All Voters
This Won’t End Well: Rioters in Wisconsin Invade the Suburbs
Is the FDA Playing Politics With Vaccine Approval?
The Greatest Example of Muslim Deceit in Western History
Here We Go: Pelosi Will Re-Unveil ‘How to Remove a President Without an Election’ Legislation Friday
Biden: ‘You’ll Know My Opinion on Court-Packing When the Election Is Over’
Biden Rewrites History on Trump’s Proud Boys Comment
No, Trump Didn’t Blame Gold Star Families for His COVID-19 Infection
The Left’s Desperate Fly ‘Jokes’ Only Illustrate How Thoroughly Pence Crushed Kamala in the Debate
Kamala Harris Saying Trump Knew COVID-19 was ‘Airborne’ in February Is Dishonest
FACT CHECK: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Have Campaigned on Banning Fracking
The Trump Campaign Is on Solid Ground Refusing a Virtual Debate
Lawsuit Forces Northam to Lift Onerous COVID Restrictions on Church Services
Why Is Trump Still Running as an Outsider?
Here’s What We Discovered When We Went Through Last Night’s Debate Questions One by One
VIP Gold
Mansplaining: A Mansplanation from A Mans
The Second Amendment, Tyranny, And Federalist 46
From the Mothership and Beyond
NFL: Tennessee Titans v Buffalo Bills & Denver Broncos v New England Patriots moved
Uh Oh, Joe: Even PA Voters Know You’re Full of Crap When It Comes to Fracking
Trump Cleared to Resume Public Engagements Starting Saturday
Liberal Reporter Brutally Gashes Kamala Harris’ Disastrous Debate Performance
One of CNN’s Van Jones’ Issues With Mike Pence’s Debate Performance Is Utterly Laughable
Biden’s Flabbergasting Response to Court Packing Question Should Concern Voters
The Incredible, Shrinking Case Against Barrett’s Confirmation
Wisconsin Residents React to Damage Caused to Homes and Businesses During Chaotic Night In Wauwatosa
Women’s Group Launches ‘Women for Amy’ Tour in Support of Judge Barrett
NSSF Issues Stern Warning Regarding Biden Presidency
ATF’s Decision On Honey Badger Pistol Illustrates Huge Problem
With Every Riot, Support For The Second Amendment Grows
Mike Pence Destroyed Kamala Harris, and the Media Settle on a Pathetic Excuse
The Democrats Are Stupidly Creating Another Weapon for Republicans to Use
People Wonder if Jeff Goldblum Will Show up on SNL as VP Pence’s ‘Fly’
Quick Hitter on New Ohio Federal Court Judge Order Rewriting Ohio Election Laws
<searching for my shocked face> WaPo: Defund The Police Movement Backfiring In Cities Across The Country
UK Investigation Of Cambridge Analytica Appears To ‘Dispel’ Whistleblower Claims
Lockdown Enthusiasts’ Risk Aversion Is Producing a More Unequal Society
Bee Me
I actually LOL’d.
Joe Biden Congratulates Michelle Obama On Debate Performance
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) October 8, 2020
The Kruiser Kabana
— Archillect (@archillect) October 8, 2020
Because there is never not a good reason to watch Gal Gadot eating chocolate. Or doing anything.
I still haven’t figured out anything that John Lennon was right about.
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PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear twice a week.
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