Biden Can’t Speak, How Can He Win?
Former Vice President Joe Biden is leading President Trump in most of the recent polls, prompting the question: are we really going to do this again?
Presidential election polls have become Lucy holding the football as the rest of us play the role of Charlie Brown. Ever gullible, American voters promise to ignore all of the polls when the next election comes around, yet we seem hopelessly drawn to them. It’s a dysfunctional relationship that doesn’t seem to have any real hope of getting better. Let’s face it, after the polls got everything wrong in 2016, we’re all still fond of them if they’re telling us what we want to hear.
Biden has no doubt benefited from being locked in his house for the past couple of months. Avoiding the campaign trail and prolonged exposure in the public eye has been a gift from Heaven for Team Biden. Sure, his highly controlled, limited time appearances have been absolute train wrecks, but those are only being seen by a fraction of the audience that would be viewing his remarks on the nightly news if he were out campaigning.
When an appearance is preserved to share on social media, they manage to find one or two sentences where Biden didn’t sound clinically insane to create the appearance that he’s A-OK.
Rick wrote a post yesterday that examines how different methodologies can be used to predict victory for either Trump or Biden, showing that nobody really has a crystal ball that’s worth a damn.

(Image: nvodicka via Pixabay)
It has become more than obvious that the Democrats are willing to keep Americans financially destitute in order to throw the election to Biden, and that may be what is reflected in the current polling. However, as we have noted a couple of times this week, the states that are opening up are looking better than the states that are remaining on arbitrary lockdown. If that keeps playing out like that, it will reflect better on Trump and the Republicans.
President Trump probably relishes the opportunity to face Biden in a couple of debates. Crazy Joe the Wonder Veep hasn’t been able to read a short script in a controlled home video lately. Trump will mop the floor with that bumbling idiot in a debate. The Democrats are almost certainly going to make the case that it “just wouldn’t be safe” to have public debates.
The media will reflexively spin for Biden, emphatically proclaiming that he was the clear winner of any debate with Trump. All team Trump will have to do to counter that is put together a reel of Biden mangling the English language and losing his train of thought every four seconds and turn that into a campaign ad.
I’m not being mean to Biden here. I know a lot of people think it’s cruel to mock his decline. I maintain that it’s not really a decline. He’s always been a mush-mouthed idiot. I’m a veteran Biden basher, having consistently written during Barack Obama’s tenure that he was the safest president ever because nobody really wanted Biden to become top dog.
I wouldn’t even point to the spectacular failure of the polls in 2016 as a reason to be dismissive of the current Biden victory snapshot that they are providing us. Rather, I would point to the otherworldly volatility of all life in 2020 so far. Think about life since mid-March. It all went to hell a little more than two months ago. We’re still about five and a half months out from this election.
Is anyone willing to put money down on where the mood of the electorate will be then?
Biden Uses His Words
Joe Biden: "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black"
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) May 22, 2020
Make Up Your Minds
YouTube censored an epidemiologist for saying this.
— SFK (@stephenkruiser) May 22, 2020
Here is the post I wrote last week about YouTube’s censorship of the epidemiologist.
Comments of the Week
I’ve been remiss in posting these the past couple of weeks. Mea culpa.
PJM Linktank
Chinese Will Impose New ‘National Security Law’ on Hong Kong
Obama’s FBI Offered to Pay Christopher Steele to Dig Up Dirt on Mike Flynn
VodkaPundit: The Crisis in Nursing Homes Just Got Worse
That dog won’t hunt, son. Gov. Cuomo Blames Trump for New York’s Thousands of Nursing Home Deaths
Democrat Denial Won’t Change the Fact that Communist China Ruined the World
DOJ Charges Philadelphia Election Official with Stuffing Ballot Box
Oregon Movie Star and Terrorist-Stopping Hero Snags GOP Nomination for Congress
The COVID-19 ‘Science’ Is Starting to Scare Me
Megyn Kelly’s Vacation Photo Shows How Ridiculous Corona-Culture Has Gotten
There’s One Person Standing Between You and the Butchers of Beijing—and It’s Not Kamala Harris
New Coronavirus Data Gives Reasons for Hope — and Reopening
Poppin’ Fresh is afraid of everything. Is Brain Stelter Afraid of a Big Bad Ratio on Twitter?
And this is just from breakfast. WATCH: 46 Minutes of Joe Biden Gaffes and Nonsense
Do We Really Need a President To Be Our ‘Griever-in-Chief’?
Why Has Barack Obama’s Unprecedented War with Inspectors General Been Forgotten?
No Bailouts for Corrupt Blue States That Keep Running In the Red
Joe Biden in 1987: ‘We [Delawareans] Were on the South’s Side in the Civil War’
The ‘Party of Science’ Is Hampering the Progress of … Science
Wuhan Finally Bans Eating Wild Animals
VIP Gold
The Kira Davis Show Ep.4: Masks or nah?
Trump Advisors Warn McConnell: Martha McSally’s In Trouble In Arizona
From the Mothership and Beyond
God Bless Real Americans. MI Restaurant Attached To Gun Shop Reopens, Defying Whitmer’s Orders
PA School Board Member Who Threatened To Shoot The Unmasked Resigns
Federal Appeals Court Orders Michael Flynn Judge to Respond to Petition Within 10 Days
Jim Jordan Opponents’ Petitions to Appear on the Ballot Included Dead Voters
John James Meets with President Trump, Hits Sen. Peters for ‘Ultra Partisanship’
Did the Flynn Judge Refuse to Toss the Bogus Case Against Him Because of a Washington Post Op-Ed?
Dozens of Senators Demand New Investigation Into Planned Parenthood Fraud
Here’s How NY Lawmakers Plan Limit Cuomo’s Emergency Powers
Fraud-fest alert. For Second Day in a Row, RNC Identifies Mail-in Ballot Problems
Petty Tyrant Update: Minnesota Gov: Eateries Can Have 50 People. Churches? Ten
Uh-Oh! Peloton Is Problematic Again And This Time The Problem Is Racism
Antibody Testing In Sweden Finds Just 7.3% Infected In Stockholm
Should It Be A Crime To Take Pictures Of Accident Scenes?
Why Is The Harris County CEO Extending Lockdown While Texas Reopens?
Elise Stefanik Shuts Down Gov. Cuomo’s Pathetic Attempt to Blame Trump for NY Nursing Home Crisis
Joe Biden’s Handlers Are Now Having to Interject During His Interviews
Pres Trump Just Outfoxed Schumer and Pelosi in His Reply to Flag-Lowering Letter
Michigan Rep. Karen Whitsett Tells Trump She’s Filed a Lawsuit Against Gretchen Whitmer
You’ll Never Guess Who Wants to Help Janice Dean Investigate Cuomo’s Nursing Home Fiasco
11 Cocktails From Around the World That You Can Make at Home
Bee Me
Florida Ruled To Be In Violation Of Science For Not Having More People Die
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) May 21, 2020
The Kruiser Kabana
Moving here.
— Archillect (@archillect) May 22, 2020
I’ll be day-drinking on the patio of a favorite bar this weekend.
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PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear every Tuesday and Friday.
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