Insanity Wrap needs to know: How much chutzpah does Portland have, trying to fine Washington for daring to defend a federal courthouse from radical Portlanders?
Answer: All the chutzpah, every single bit of it.
Also on today’s Wrap:
• Joe Biden forgets where he is (again).
• Them! ants are everywhere.
• Jerry Nadler’s hypocrisy — unmasked!
Shall we begin?
Your Daily Dose of Mostly Peaceful Protest
Feds appear to have shot pepper balls at this person as they were lighting a firework inside the fence. I don't think they came outside though. Probably just used the window flaps.
— Hannah Ray Lambert (@TheHannahRay) July 29, 2020
Inquiring minds want to know: If you don’t enjoy getting shot with pepper balls — Insanity Wrap has yet to experience it and would prefer not to — have you tried not setting off explosives near federal property being protected by federal agents from people just like you?
Don’t Try This at Home — Or Anywhere Else
Nor go do pass yourself. 😭😭💀💀💀#NaijaViralz
— Naija Viralz (@NaijaViralz) July 28, 2020
That is too much bike for that particular rider.
Insanity Wrap is just glad no one seems to have been badly hurt.
We Finally Know What Became of the Murder Hornets
Swarm of flying ants so large it can be seen from space spotted over London and the south coast
May of 2020 seems so long ago, a dimly remembered yet more innocent time. Back in those hazy golden days of yore, we only had murder hornets to worry about…
…but then the threat mysteriously disappeared before hardly anybody had even seen one.
Maybe they were eaten by the giant swarm of flying ants.
Sleep tight!
Rules Are for the Little People
Nadler takes off his mask to speak and gets mad at Republicans for taking off their masks to speak.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 29, 2020
When Nadler was wearing his mask, the resulting loss of oxygen to his brain seems to have caused him to pass out.
Dude! 🤣
— Karli 🇺🇸 (@KarluskaP) July 28, 2020
Insanity Wrap — in our usual VodkaPundit guise — will appear in a video live chat at 3:30 p.m. Eastern today along with PJ Media’s own Stephen Kruiser and Bryan Preston.
The three of us will take your questions, discuss the news of the day, crack bad jokes, and generally do our best to inform and amuse our VIP Gold members.
Despite the inevitable consumption of lovely adult beverages during the two-plus hour event, we promise to stay awake the entire time.
That’s how it’s done when you give a damn, Congresscritter Nadler.
Ellen, We Hardly Knew Ye

‘Ellen DeGeneres Show’ Workplace Under Investigation by WarnerMedia
The usual, and sadly believable, accusations of racism and intimidation on the set of Ellen.
Insanity Wrap hates these stories and honestly hopes this one isn’t true, if only because the world needs less awfulness instead of more.
Our hopes, however, aren’t exactly high. Given all we’ve learned about Hollywood in the last couple of decades, our hopes are so slow the bottom looks like up.
Maybe all there is left to do with Hollywood is take off and nuke the entire site from orbit.
It’s the only way to be sure.
Previously On Insanity Wrap: Seductive Mask Appeal, Plus the Debate-Debate
If It’s Tuesday It Must Be Belgium
Please laugh!
— Yaakov Pollak (@Yanky_Pollak) July 28, 2020
At this point, does one laugh or cry at this poor older man’s decline?
We had thought perhaps Biden was joking until one Twitter commenter pointed out “that blank look on his face while his brain tries to catch up with what he just said.”
Once Biden got his bearings, the speech wasn’t so bad if you grade it rather generously on the Slow Joe Curve. But there’s little getting around the fact that Biden doesn’t appear to be able to handle the “rigors” of the COVID-19 campaign trail, in which he does very little and not very often.
Compare that to the rigors of the White House, and Insanity Wrap doesn’t think Biden would make it through his first year.
Insanity Wrap does think, however, that the far-far left wing of the Democratic party is counting on just that.
Vice President Kamala Harris smiles.
Dam It, Janet
Hubei Residents Evacuated in China as Deadly Flood Hits Three Gorges Dam on Yangtze River
Wuhan is the capital of Hubei Province.
First the Wuhan Virus. Now this:
Floods have already displaced 46 million people in 27 of the country’s 31 provinces since heavy rainfalls began in June, leaving 141 people dead or missing with economic losses of 116 billion yuan ($17 billion), according to the Ministry of Emergency Management.
46 million flood refugees.
To put that in perspective, in sheer numbers that’s as though the entire population of California and Arizona had to get up and go somewhere else.
That’s not an entirely fair comparison, since China has about four times as many people as we do.
In terms of displaced persons per capita, it’s as though the entire state of Pennsylvania had to vacate.
Then again, China is more than four times more densely populated than the U.S. is, so there’s a lot less room for displaced people to move into.
Insanity Wrap is starting to think maybe God hates Hubei Province.
Photoshop of the Day
Who did this? 😂❤️
— Be Pure (@HerbalGoddess) July 29, 2020
Insurrection, Portland Style

Portland hits feds with $500 fine every 15 minutes fence stands outside besieged courthouse
“City official says feds owed $192,000 as of Monday.”
This is not a joke or some kind of put-on.
Portland is really trying to fine Washington — that’s our federal tax dollars, bee-tee-dub — to the tune of $2,000 per hour for blocking the street with a fence.
The streets taken over for two months now by rioters aided and abetted by Portland’s own government. Rioters who have spent night after night trying to invade and/or burn down the courthouse in order to inspire further insurrection across the country.
The Feds are doing what they can and must to protect public property, something Portland had signally failed to do. Encouraged, even.
Yes, I am afraid to direct workers to do their job and enforce our laws against the federal government—I hope that gives everyone reading this pause.
As of yesterday, the federal government owes us $192,000 and counting. We intend to collect.
— Commissioner Eudaly (@ChloeEudalyPDX) July 28, 2020
So that’s the way it is, eh?
Washington ought to present Portland the bill for whatever it costs to put down the insurrection Portland refused to take care of themselves.
One More Thing…

(Seen on Facebook.)
As a libertarian-leaning conservative, Insanity Wrap is no fan of huge police power, or of many of the corrupt and corrupting laws even good cops are required to enforce.
But given what the radical left is trying to do to this country right now, if this were a genuine Lego set, we’d happily build it and proudly display it on one of our office bookshelves.
And that’s a Wrap for today.
Come back tomorrow for another Insanity Wrap…
…assuming we make it that long.
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