One Year After Rush Limbaugh's Passing, Other Voices of Conservatism Continue His Legacy

AP Photo/Julie Smith

It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year since Rush Limbaugh passed away. He loomed large over the conservative movement for three decades, serving as a spokesman for the right as well as the man who singlehandedly resurrected talk radio.


The first time I ever heard Rush was the day after Bill Clinton won the 1992 presidential election. It was a “best of” show, and I was hooked. Listening to Rush helped me articulate my conservative beliefs clearly and convincingly as a college student. I learned about issues that I wouldn’t have otherwise known about.

I laughed at the news in a way that I never thought I could have. I didn’t always get to listen to Rush regularly, but you better believe I tuned in when I could. And I firmly believe I was a better, more informed conservative for listening.

There was nothing like Rush Limbaugh. He changed the game for conservative news, information, and entertainment. He showed generations of conservatives that they weren’t alone. When he passed away a year ago today, there was a void. We didn’t know who, if anybody, would step into his shoes.

Nowadays, depending on where you are, if you tune into the radio from noon to 3 p.m., you can hear Erick Erickson, Dan Bongino, or the combo of Clay Travis and Buck Sexton. Each one of these shows is a phenomenal success, even though none of them have the same audience that Rush did. Heck, nobody will ever have that kind of success, because Rush was a singularity.


But these shows and so many other brilliant conservative outlets are Rush’s legacy. Rush Limbaugh sowed the seeds for so many quality conservative voices, and we’re stronger for it as a movement.

One of the greatest things about the quality voices that have sprung up after Rush Limbaugh made it safe to speak out from the right is that you can find niche outlets that speak to certain philosophies, issues, and subsets of conservatism. From Second Amendment rights to the culture of life to religious liberty and everything in between, there’s something in conservative media for everybody. (And yeah, we have some crazies too, but what can you do?)

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I’ve always known I loved writing, but Rush helped me realize that I could use my writing talent to talk about conservatism. Rush showed me that I can use humor just as easily as I can be serious, yet be equally convincing either way.

Because of Rush’s inspiration (at least in part), I began writing here at PJ Media in 2011. I’ve also been blessed to turn writing for PJ Media into a full-time job. As somebody who writes for one of those conservative voices that Rush inspired, I can tell you how crucial your support is. We couldn’t do what we do without you, the reader.


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