And another leftist lie bites the dust. It turns out that aggressively shoving transgender ideology down Americans’ throats, sexualizing and castrating children, and screaming that anyone who objected was a hateful bigot was not a winning strategy with the majority of Americans.
Americans are increasingly supportive of “restrictions” on transgenderism, indicating the country at large is a lot more sane than the leaders of most of our institutions are. While about a third of Americans supposedly support transgenderism (one never knows how reliable mainstream polls are), within another year or two of Pride Month mania, secretive transitioning of kids, and Democrats pushing creepy dudes in dresses, that could easily change.
Pew Research whined last month that most Americans support laws to require “trans athletes to compete on teams that match their sex assigned at birth [i.e., biological sex] (66%)” and to ban “health care professionals from providing care related to gender transitions for minors (56%).” Americans are also more likely to oppose transgenders using the wrong restrooms and the indoctrination of kids in school. These percentages have changed significantly since 2022, with anywhere from a six point to a 10 point difference in opinion now on the four issues listed above just in the last three years. In another three years, opinions could change even more.
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Sometimes, unfortunately, Democrats’ incredibly aggressive propagandizing pays off. For instance, we have now convinced the majority of Americans that beheading, dismembering, and starving unborn babies to death and putting the mothers at much higher risk of suicide, depression, and substance abuse is praiseworthy and necessary in some circumstances (spoiler: it never is). Democrats have also convinced many Americans (even some conservatives) to accept homosexuality and a massive, unconstitutional government.
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But with transgenderism, with the mutilation of young people and the hiding of grooming at school from parents and the push for men in women’s sports, Democrats finally found an evil that Americans see very clearly for what it is. We want to protect our children and ourselves from the obviously mentally ill more than we want to be considered “tolerant” and “open-minded.” The left ought to have heeded the great GK Chesterton’s warning: “Do not be so open-minded that your brains fall out.”
The sexual perverts and blinded ideologues running the Democrat Party are so crazy they seem incapable of admitting or understanding how they messed up. Even proud homosexuals like Gays Against Groomers oppose trans-ing kids, and even 45% of Democrats want “transgenders” to compete in sports based on their biological sex (according to Pew). This is one propaganda war the radical Democrats aren’t going to win.
In fact, there’s another Chestertonian warning the unhinged Democrats ought to heed: “The modern world does not need to be satirized; for it is satirizing itself.” Or rather, the leftist transgender cult does not need to be satirized, for it is satirizing itself.