
Everything Is Rotten in the State of Academia

Committee on Education & the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives

Most of the academic institutions in our country have been completely taken over by woke Marxists who hate America, loathe Christianity and Judaism, glorify sexual perversion and violent riots, and generally make the price tag of a college education not at all worth the investment.

Adam Smith once observed, “The learned ignore the evidence of their senses to preserve the coherence of the ideas of their imagination.” If we put “academics” as the subject of that sentence and look at America today, we see indeed that the evidence of the senses is ignored to preserve a warped imagination’s ideas. Hamas terrorists murdered Israeli babies in horrific ways, and both students and professors don keffiyehs and march in solidarity with the terrorists. Men cut off body parts, and academics hail them as “women.” The list could go on.

The point is that we patriots need to found new institutions of higher learning, encourage more young people to go into skilled trades instead of university, or send our kids to smaller colleges that are more religious, conservative, and focused on classical education. Too many Americans still worship the idea of Ivy League prestige even as Columbia, Yale, and Harvard students and staff attack Jews, praise terrorists, claim to be a new LGBTQ “identity” every week, and label every American hero of the past a racist.

The great GK Chesterton humorously observed of Faust, the famed scholarly character who sold his soul to the devil for worldly knowledge and prosperity, “So Faustus, in his fur coat, is carried away by little black imps; and serve him right for being an Intellectual.” Chesterton was not, of course, opposed to education or learning, but he did oppose the sort of “education” where arrogant ideologues try to force reality to fit their preconceived notions, philosophizing in an ivory tower to the exclusion of living in reality. Unfortunately, that description is highly applicable to modern America’s education system.

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Many professors, administrators, and students are leftist activists rather than scholars. The result is that we don’t have truly learned and qualified college graduates. But we also don’t have enough skilled plumbers, tailors, and carpenters, because the ignorant elitists despise non-college grads and manual labor, and encourage U.S. youth to do the same. And what will happen in a decade or so when our doctors care more about racism than health, when there is no one to fix the bathroom sink, and when journalists are barely literate? (Okay, so the last one already happened at CNN and The Washington Compost.)

Booker T. Washington’s brilliant educational model of making students learn a trade while also earning a degree should be applied across America, not just at the university level but in grade schools too. At the University of Louisville, where last year in-state tuition tuition was about $44,000 and out-of-state tuition was $67,567, C. Riley Snorton recently delivered a lecture on “Swamp Tales, Trans Ghosts, and Nonbinary Magical Realism.” How much more valuable if the students were reading Virgil or Longfellow, or if they were learning how to build a chair and sew on a button!

The Department of Education, the woke university administrators and professors, and the public schools have failed our children. We need major reform and innovative solutions before the situation is beyond repair.

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