Democrats constantly gibber and scream that America has to bring in ever more floods of illegal aliens or that no one will do the jobs that Americans did for centuries. One of the many problems that the importation of cheap migrant labor masks is the continually decreasing labor force participation of U.S.-born men.
Just in the last year under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, U.S.-born men’s workforce participation dropped by over a million, as supposed “job gains” went to migrants. But the problem goes back much further than that. The Democrats and establishment Republicans who only care about paying less for work are unwilling to acknowledge that the woke war on masculinity, the drug crisis, illegal alien labor, and more are fueling a crisis of perpetually unemployed American men.
It is also worth noting that every federal regulator kills over 100 jobs annually, and there are hundreds of thousands of federal regulators in America. I know a number of young men (and women) who have been looking for jobs for over a year, but between Biden administration policies, illegal migration, and years of federal regulations driving companies and industries out of America or out of business, they’re having a hard time.
The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) released revealing data in December:
- The share of working-age (16 to 64) U.S.-born men not in the labor force increased from 11 percent in April 1960 to 17 percent in April 2000, and to 22 percent in April 2024.
- Among “prime-age” U.S.-born men (25 to 54), the group most likely to work, the share not in the labor force was 4 percent in April 1960, 9 percent in 2000 and 12 percent in 2024.
- This rise in non-participation is not attributable to “population aging.” Even the share of younger U.S.-born men (25 to 34) not in the labor force has increased over the last six decades.
- If the 2024 labor force participation rate for U.S.-born men (16 to 64) matched the 1960 rate, there would be nine million more U.S.-born men in the labor force. Returning to the 2000 level would add more than 4 million men to the labor force.
- In total, 43 million U.S.-born men and women (16 to 64) were not in the labor force in April 2024 — 8.5 million more than in 2000. This does not include the 9.7 million immigrants not in the labor force nor does it include 5.8 million unemployed immigrants and U.S.-born.
And no, an aging workforce is not the only explanation. Labor force participation over the last few decades has dropped steeply even among young workers. I personally know young American men who grew so dependent on and mentally dulled by years of unnecessary and excessive prescription drugs (such as ADHD meds) or marijuana or who were taught so few useful skills by their parents and their schools that they cannot hold jobs or lead normal lives. They are living off taxpayer money and will never pay back into that system.
Before boys were told that being hyper in class was a mental disease or that being male automatically made you a sexist enemy of society, it was obvious that illegal aliens were taking jobs from American workers of both sexes, especially blue-collar male workers. Now there are many unemployed American men, but instead of examining the many reasons why they are unemployed, politicians pretend that only foreigners who accept low wages are willing to take blue-collar jobs. American elites have diagnosed, brainwashed, drugged, and excluded young Americans from the workforce.
From CIS again:
- Focusing only on U.S.-born men without a bachelor’s degree and excluding teenagers still shows the share (20 to 64) not in the labor force increased from 7 percent in 1960 to 16 percent in 2000, and to 22 percent in 2024.
- Male immigrants (20 to 64) without a bachelor’s degree have also experienced a rise in the share not working. In 2006, 11 percent of less-educated immigrant men were not in the labor force. In 2024, it was 14 percent.
- At the state level, the share of working-age (16 to 64) U.S.-born men not in the labor force was higher in every state in 2000 than in 1960. The share not in went up further in 48 out of 50 states from 2000 to 2024.
You will not be shocked to know that Democrat states like California, New Mexico, Hawaii, and New Jersey are among those with the biggest decreases in American male workers (and often big upticks in illegal migration, coincidentally), although some redder states like Florida (another illegal migration hotspot) and North Carolina make the list too. Multiple “sanctuary states” are on the list.
For Our VIPs: Cicero, the Founders, and Modern America’s Lack of Gratitude
We can hope that Donald Trump follows through on his promises to deport huge numbers of illegal aliens and bring industry back to the United States while also addressing the drug crisis and educational corruption. Booker T. Washington’s educational model of studying the classics in the classroom while simultaneously learning skilled trades is a great place to start. This country cannot survive if the trend of increasingly and perpetually unemployed Americans continues into the future.
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