Bill Gates Reportedly Gave $50M to Kamala

Justin Tallis/Pool via AP

If insidious billionaire and globalist Bill Gates supports a candidate, you know that person is bad news. A new report says that Gates sunk up to $50 million into Kamala Harris‘s presidential campaign.


The New York Times reported on Oct. 22 that Bill Gates has secretly gotten involved financially in this election with a whopping $50 million donation to Democrat Kamala Harris. The Times cited unnamed sources, and the report has yet to be officially confirmed, but it would not be surprising if radical Bill Gates had joined forces with equally radical Kamala.

One of Gates’s reasons for opposing Trump is reportedly his fear that international “family planning” programs could end with a Trump presidency. Indeed, Trump ended U.S. government funding for overseas abortions, a policy he said he would consider reimplementing. Gates, who once said in a TED talk that he aimed to reduce the world’s population by 10% to 15%, is committed to a radical depopulation agenda utilizing abortion and contraception, especially in Africa and Asia. The Microsoft co-founder has even been tied to forced sterilization vaccine campaigns. 

From the Times:

In private calls this year to friends and others, Mr. Gates has expressed concern about what a second Donald Trump presidency would look like, according to a person briefed on Mr. Gates’s thinking, although he has stressed that he could work with either candidate. Mr. Gates does not have a deep relationship with Ms. Harris, but he has celebrated the Biden-Harris administration’s work on climate change. Mr. Gates’s philanthropic organization, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is significantly concerned about potential cuts to family planning and global health programs if Mr. Trump is elected, according to two people close to the foundation.


Now of course, to some extent, this is all unverified hearsay, but it would hardly be surprising if Gates were backing Kamala. After all, Gates is a radical pro-abortion, woke, Covid vaccine-loving, elitist, climate alarmist, globalist leftist. He praised Communist China’s rise, and he admires tyrannical dictatorships and their social credit scores. Of course he doesn’t want Trump to win.

RelatedEU, Gates Foundation’s Newest Racist Depopulation Scheme

The Times explained how Gates’s donation to Kamala was allegedly made:

Mr. Gates has said he made his donation to Future Forward, the main outside fund-raising group supporting Ms. Harris, according to the people briefed on the matter. Mr. Gates has talked about his pro-Harris donation with his peers, including Mike Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor and a major supporter of Future Forward who has considered a similarly sized gift, two of the people briefed said. Mr. Gates’s donation went specifically to Future Forward’s nonprofit arm, Future Forward USA Action, which as a 501(c)(4) “dark money” organization does not disclose its donors, according to the people briefed. So any contribution by Mr. Gates will never appear on any public filing.

Like fellow leftist billionaire George Soros, who has also backed Kamala, Gates is like an octopus with his tentacles everywhere, often without public knowledge.

Gates did not confirm his donation in his statement but did assert “this election is different,” according to the Times. “I support candidates who demonstrate a clear commitment to improving health care, reducing poverty and fighting climate change in the U.S. and around the world,” Gates said to the Times. “I have a long history of working with leaders across the political spectrum, but this election is different, with unprecedented significance for Americans and the most vulnerable people around the world.” Maybe Gates is also worried that Trump will indeed release the Epstein client list and that people will find out “Bill Gates” is on it?


There is unprecedented significance, but Gates is not worried about the ordinary citizens he believes he should control. He is probably worried about himself and his cronies and the fate of their globalist, leftist agenda. Hopefully, we will see a second Trump term and the death of Gates’s insidious scheming.


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