
More Than Two Decades After 9/11, Government Lets Terrorists Cross Border

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

More than two decades after the horrific terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, the Biden-Harris administration is releasing illegal alien terrorists into the United States. Why is our government apparently trying to create a situation where a second 9/11 could occur?

On 9/11, 19 terrorists managed to kill almost 3,000 innocent Americans. Under Joe Biden and Border Czar Kamala Harris, almost 100 terror watchlist individuals have been released into America … that we know of. This is a terrifyingly dangerous situation, and one illustrating why it’s vitally important to have strong, anti-illegal migration politicians in office. Otherwise, two decades after the nation-shaking 9/11 attacks, we could have a massive and deadly sequel.

PJ Media’s Robert Spencer already addressed the root causes of why 9/11 and every other major Islamic terrorist attack over a thousand years or more occurred (hint: what do they have in common? Islam). Islam's sacred texts encourage and endorse violence against non-Muslims and holy war or jihad. I would like to focus more specifically, however, on another part of this equation, the other source of the threat to Americans -- namely, Democrat border policies.

Yes, under Biden and Harris, at least 99 individuals from the FBI’s “Terrorist Screening Dataset (TSDS),” or the “terror watchlist,” have been released as migrants into the United States’ interior.

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Last month, I reported that the House Judiciary Committee had issued the interim report, “Terror at Our Door: How the Biden-Harris Administration’s Open-Border Policies Undermine National Security and Endanger Americans.” The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had released an estimated 88.5% of the illegals it encountered under Biden-Harris, or more than 5.4 million from the Southwest border alone — in other words, it’s entirely possible and even probable that more than 99 terrorists have been released into the U.S. 

After all, in June, ICE arrested eight suspected terrorists … who were previously “vetted” and released by the Biden-Harris administration. One of the men who recently tried to breach the Quantico Marine base was on the terror watchlist. How many terrorists have really entered the U.S. thanks to this administration’s open border? We have no idea. What’s even worse, the Democrats don’t care.

There is an illegal alien crime wave sweeping America. Rapes, murders, thefts, and pet-hunting are among the crimes illegal aliens are committing across the country. Border Czar Kamala is responsible, and Biden is responsible, and every Democrat official who works for them (or controls them) is responsible. U.S. men, women, and children have been brutally assaulted and even killed. Whole apartment buildings have been overrun.

There are already Hamas and Hezbollah jihadis operating within America, and there might be more coming in all the time. Is it such a stretch to think Islamic terrorists, having infiltrated the U.S, are planning a terrorist attack as big as 9/11 or bigger within the near future?


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