On the Eve of 9/11, Harris Claimed J6 Was Worst Attack Since Civil War

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

On the evening before the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, during which almost three thousand Americans were killed, Democrat VP Kamala Harris made the utterly preposterous claim during the presidential debate that Jan. 6 was the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.


There are a whole host of problems with Harris‘s statement, including the fact that America is a republic, not a democracy; that (as Donald Trump noted) the only people killed on J6 were Trump supporters murdered by Capitol police; and most J6 protesters were peaceful, although they have since been abused in jail and denied basic rights by the Biden-Harris administration. But since today is the anniversary of the infamous 9/11 attacks, it is particularly insensitive that Harris made her ridiculous claim yesterday.

Democrats started the Civil War upon the election of Republican President Abraham Lincoln, because they refused to accept the results of an election that went against them (which Democrats always do when they lose), and they were afraid Lincoln would live up to his word of restricting slavery’s spread. The Civil War was the deadliest war in American history, with at least 620,000 casualties, and we can lay it at the door of the racist, anti-freedom Democratic Party.

Fast forward to today, when a race-baiting, anti-freedom Democratic candidate totally ignored the tragedy of 9/11 to claim that a protest where no one but the protesters were killed was a major assault on democracy. “Donald Trump left us the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War,” Kamala lied. It was such an outrageous claim that my 16-year-old sister spontaneously observed to me, “Kamala said that just before the anniversary of 9/11!” Independent journalist Ian Miles Cheong had the same reaction.


We all know Trump called for peace more than once that 2021 day, and he had wanted more National Guard protection than Democrat authorities would agree to, so Jan. 6 cannot be laid at his door, as Kamala and her lackeys the debate moderators tried to do. The majority of the J6 protesters were peaceful. And there is evidence from congressional and media investigations since then indicating that at least some of those who were encouraging violence and law-breaking were either federal plants or possibly Antifa. In any case, comparing Jan. 6 to the Civil War and pretending it is worse than 9/11 is a gross insult to all those who were killed in the former two tragedies.

Then again, this is the same VP who has proved herself utterly callous about the 13 U.S. military members killed in a Kabul terrorist attack during the Biden-Harris administration’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. It is no surprise that she would be equally thoughtless and heartless about the 2001 9/11 attacks that left 2,977 innocent people dead and many more injured.


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Indeed, in 2022, Harris infamously compared Jan. 6 to the 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor — which left at least 2,400 Americans dead and launched us into World War II — and 9/11. She is a self-serving, soulless, unsympathetic liar, and that could not have been more obvious than it was at the debate Tuesday night.


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