
IDF Takes Out Terrorist HQ Hiding in Gaza School. Wokies Are Mad at Israel.

AP Photo/Paul Sancya, File

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) just successfully targeted a terrorist headquarters hidden in a Gaza school, killing at least 19 terrorists. Pro-Hamas media chose to mourn Israel’s striking “a school.”

The IDF conducted a precision strike to kill 19 terrorists. Since the terrorists were in a school’s mosque, and since the Hamas officials who run Gaza always lie, both jihadis and Western media have, as usual, taken this opportunity to bash Israel. CNN’s and NBC’s headlines were based on a totally unreliable Hamas-issued casualty count, for instance, and the New York Times sobbed about the “agonizing dilemma” for Gazan civilians. Why is the media so often on the side of Hamas against Israel?

IDF released a statement on X to provide some details and correct Hamas lies (which, unfortunately, Western media always accepts without fact-checking):

Today, the IDF and ISA struck terrorists operating in a Hamas command and control center, which was embedded inside a mosque in the Al-Taba’een school compound. Following an intelligence investigation, it can be confirmed at this time that at least 19 Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists were eliminated. These terrorists operated in order to advance and carry out attacks against IDF soldiers and the State of Israel from inside the compound. 

The strike was carried out using three precise munitions, which, according to professional analysis, can not cause the amount of damage that is being reported by the Hamas-run Government Information Office in Gaza. Furthermore, no severe damage was caused to the compound where the terrorists were situated.

The reality is that the IDF will even put its own men in danger rather than endanger Gazan civilians if possible. This is particularly generous and exceptional, considering that the majority of Gazans support Hamas and jihad against Israel. The IDF added in the above-cited statement, “Prior to the strike, numerous steps were taken to mitigate the risk of harming civilians, including the use of a small warhead, aerial surveillance, and intelligence information.”

Related: Walz Claimed Hamas Doesn’t Represent Palestinians. He’s Wrong.

You know who doesn’t bother to mitigate risks to civilians? Hamas. Not only do Palestinian terrorists love to rape, torture, and murder Israeli civilians, they use their own Palestinian civilians as human shields and have done so for many years. That’s why there are so many Hamas headquarters and weapons caches in hospitals and schools.

Many Westerners neither know nor care to know the truth about how Gazan authorities and jihadis hide behind their own people. UPI News, for instance, announced, “Dozens killed in Israeli strike on alleged Hamas command center inside.” UPI then cited the Gaza Health Ministry's claim that at least 100 people died, without explaining that the Health Ministry is run by Hamas! And Hamas always exaggerates casualties to gin up global sympathy.

CNN was even worse, headlining its article with the completely untrustworthy Hamas-issued statistic. “More than 90 Palestinians killed in Israeli strike on school and mosque sheltering displaced people, Gaza officials say,” CNN trumpeted, claiming that one man lost grandchildren amidst the “innocent people praying.” 

It wasn’t until after multiple paragraphs accusing Israel of wantonly killing innocent civilians (again, based on Gazan officials’ claims) that CNN mentioned the IDF’s own account of what happened. CNN did admit it could not verify the casualty counts provided by Gazan officials. Apparently, jihadis are always to be presumed honest.

The New York Times’ hysterical headline was “Israeli Strikes on Schools Pose a Life-or-Death Choice for Civilians.” NBC News had a similar but even more dramatic headline, utilizing the same jihadi-sourced figures: “More than 90 killed by Israeli strike on a school where thousands were sheltering, officials say.”

It’s insane that Western media, particularly American media, would give any credence or validity to numbers coming from Islamic jihadis—to the point of elevating such statistics over information from U.S. ally Israel. Sadly, that’s the reality we’re living with. Another major reason not to trust anything that comes out of fake news outlets.


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