
Nazi Salutes, Threats, and Harassment: Israeli Athletes Targeted at Paris Olympics

AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa De Olza, File

The Nazi Olympics 2.0 is in full swing in Paris, as Israeli athletes face threats, harassment, boos, Hitler chants, and outrageous accusations of genocide.

From Nazi salutes to death threats to noisy jeering, Israeli athletes are facing a disturbing wave of anti-Jewish hatred at the 2024 Paris Olympics. “Palestinian” athletes and protesters are cheered and promoted, while Israelis need heavy security to escort them everywhere. Thanks to wokies and jihadis, Paris, France, is becoming as dangerous as 1930s and 1940s Nazi Germany. It is no coincidence that Muslim Arabs and Nazis were allies during World War II, before the “Palestinian people” were even invented.

In fact, despite media and Olympic officials’ efforts to be vague and generic in their reports, anti-Semitism has gone all-out Nazi at the Paris Olympics. As I reported, a viral video clip shows a crowd of Arabs with Palestinian flags making Nazi-like salutes while chanting what sounds like, “Heil Hitler!” It seems 1936 Berlin was not the only time and location for a Nazi Olympics.

RelatedOlympics: Arabs Do Nazi Salute as Israeli Anthem Plays

Harsher measures, including immediate arrests, need to be taken against protesters like this. There seems to be a serious risk that Paris could experience a similar tragedy to the 1972 Munich Olympics, when Palestinian terrorists took Israeli Olympians hostage and subsequently killed them all. Israeli Olympians in 2024 already received death threats referring to the Munich terrorist attack.

The Jerusalem Post highlighted the risks on July 27:

Some 45,000 police and thousands of soldiers have been deployed in a huge security operation in Paris for the opening show.

Heavy security forces escorted Israeli athletes heading to the Paris Olympic Village as pro-Palestinian protests erupted across the French capital on Friday, CNN reported. French officials, acknowledging the elevated risk faced by Israeli competitors and attacks against them in past games, said that they had insisted on Israel’s competitors receiving 24/7 protection.

How insane is that? In 2024, multiple generations beyond the Holocaust, Jews in France need constant security to ensure Muslims and other anti-Semites don’t attack them.

The progressives are in control of France and the rest of the West, yet they have overseen only regression.  Arsonists, jihadis, and sexual perverts run wild in Paris. Authorities are largely on the side of the terrorists and perverts. Once-Catholic France shocked the world by mocking Christianity in the Opening Ceremony and by allowing pro-Hamas radicals to bellow Nazi slogans from the stands. How can Westerners not see we are hurtling toward a second Holocaust, a global and bloody jihad?

Read AlsoParis Olympics Opening Ceremonies Were a Declaration of War on All Religions

Israel needs the backing of all democratic nations now more than ever, as Iran’s government, Hamas, and other terrorist entities are resolved to wipe the world’s only Jewish state off the map. The Olympics should be a forum for athletes to compete and be honored regardless of their religion and politics. May the new Nazis be confounded and humiliated now as the original Nazis were in the 20th century, and let us pray Paris 2024 is not a repeat of Munich 1972.


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