
Orwellian Lies: Abortion Isn’t Healthcare, and Pro-Lifers Aren’t Terrorists

AP Photo/Amanda Andrade-Rhoades

Just like the Big Brother government of George Orwell’s dystopian “1984,” the Democrat death cult calls everything and everyone the opposite of what they are in the abortion debate. Too many Americans have fallen for the lies, and it’s time for that to stop.

Killing babies isn’t healthcare, especially since abortion is never necessary to save a mother’s life. Neither is it “terrorism” to give young mothers free assistance and advice to help them choose life. In their LaLaLand, however, Democrats praise abortion and decry saving lives. But if Democrats were living in the world of “1984” (which seems to be an ambition of theirs), they would add onto Big Brother’s propaganda: “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Abortion is healthcare. Pro-life is terrorist.”

We know it’s about death and not about choice because Democrats push for more and ever more abortion, glorify it, and vilify anyone suggesting any restrictions. Meanwhile, they fanatically condemn and attack pro-life organizations and individuals. This rhetoric is a threat to America’s republican political structure and America’s culture/society.

For instance, a recent briefing slide from the U.S. Army’s Ft. Liberty labels pro-life groups — that is, organizations that exist to help young mothers and save babies’ lives — as “terrorist groups.” Upon the smallest amount of reflection, the accusation is so preposterous as to be laughable. One might possibly consider abortion clinics as allies to terrorism because they exist for the purpose of viciously and brutally murdering unborn human beings and exposing women to high risks of depression, drug abuse, and suicide. For example, as of 2021, abortion had killed 22 million black Americans versus 3,446 black people the KKK murdered.

But organizations that specifically try to aid both mothers and babies in saving and improving lives? What could such organizations possibly have to do with terrorism? The pro-life Founding Fathers would have been dumbfounded at the modern U.S. Army’s propaganda.

And yet, on another level, it is not laughable. Pro-abortion terrorists attacked well over a hundred pro-life centers and churches after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and returned the abortion issue to the states. Democrats maniacally push abortion, especially on racial minorities, as part of their depopulation agenda. The leftists actively condemn and target pro-life pregnancy centers that provide life-saving care and counsel. 

Democrats argue that killing the babies of poorer women will solve poverty as if America wasn’t famous for its prosperity in the days when Americans had large families. By telling women to kill their babies, Democrats are attacking both motherhood and the family, and the family is the building block of society. The propaganda against pro-life groups is dangerous to the very survival of American society.

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Indeed, we have seen multiple pro-lifers convicted and jailed under the Biden administration for peacefully praying at abortion clinics, even as pro-abortion vandals go free. This labeling of pro-lifers as terrorists who want to attack fundamental rights is the same playbook we saw and are seeing used against MAGA. It allows Democrats to claim the moral high ground even while violating the Constitution, crushing free speech, and harassing and locking up political opponents.

Beware of Marxist lies. They always hide a sinister plan for suppressing freedoms and increasing authoritarian government power. War is not peace, freedom is not slavery, and abortion is not healthcare.


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