DOD Briefing Brands Pro-Life Orgs As Terrorists

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

On Wednesday, while the nation was still obsessing over the Biden debate debacle and casting horoscopes about the upcoming press conference, there was a Department of Defense briefing at Ft. Liberty in North Carolina. The briefing was about terrorism and included the slide featured in the X post below.


The Blaze reports that the poster, DOD whistleblower Samuel Shoemate, received the photo from a soldier who attended the briefing. The soldier, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the Blaze, “The briefing was simply a class on how to be a gate guard and what to look for when on duty. Gate guard duty is something all of us have to do from time to time. It was presented by a DOD civilian, not an anti-terrorism officer.”

A closer look at the slide shows Operation Rescue and National Right to Life under the heading of "Terrorist Groups." There is also a photo of a "Choose Life" license plate. The plate is sold in 33 states and is a fundraiser for pregnancy crisis centers. In the lower-left corner, the words "bombing of clinics" and "attempted murder" are visible. Since visuals matter, it is important to note that the slide followed a section on ISIS.


The soldier also told the Blaze:

It’s pretty unsettling that they’d try and conflate pro-life groups to the level of ISIS, but this is the kind of thing we now see all the time. We’re regularly given briefings that include stuff like, “If your co-workers are expressing support for the Second Amendment, keep an eye on them. They could be a danger.”

Fort Liberty officials said that a civilian employee at the base created the presentation and that leadership did not properly vet the slides. The officials said that the base would not use the slides in the future and that they “do not reflect the views of the XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Liberty, the U.S. Army, or the Department of Defense.”

The National Right to Life president was among many pro-life leaders who called out the DOD. She noted that her organization has always condemned violence, adding:

Only under the Biden administration can peaceful, law-abiding citizens and their peaceful activities be considered ‘terrorism. The Biden administration promotes the deaths of preborn babies and advocates for unlimited abortion, but peaceful pro-life Americans are labeled “terrorists.”

Once word was out about the slide, officials were quick to offer a disclaimer. However, one must wonder how long such slides have been used in these briefings and if the leadership at Ft. Liberty was aware of them. The slide in question is the one we know about. How many others have civilian DOD employees crafted? The soldier said he is exposed to ideas like the ones expressed in the leaked slide "all the time." That includes warnings about co-workers who happen to support a constitutional right. 


Elections matter, but they are only part of the equation. Even if Donald  Trump is victorious in November and both houses of Congress are filled with men and women of integrity, the problem will be far from solved. The nation is infected with years upon years of institutional rot in every area.


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