Americans’ Confidence in Universities Drops Amid Political Activism on Campus

AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah

Unsurprisingly, as screaming students and protesters riot at colleges and universities in support of terrorists and genocide against Jews, Americans are quickly losing faith in the value of higher education.


Go woke, go broke. New poll data shows a drop of more than 20 points in the percentage of U.S. adults who have a great deal of confidence in higher education. This is only to be expected, however, given the radical woke activism on campi across America, and also the continuously decreasing quality of higher education in general. For many people, the only reason to attend college is to be more marketable — many degrees in and of themselves have little to no intrinsic value.

As of 2015, 57% of U.S. adults had a great deal of confidence in higher education, but now only 36% do, new poll data from Gallup and the Lumina Foundation shows. Fox News summed up the main points:

Another 32% of respondents said they have some confidence in higher education, and another 32% said they had very little or no faith in such institutions at all.

The pollsters reported that confidence in higher education has fallen among all subgroups of the U.S. population over the past two decades, but the sharpest decline this year was among Republicans. Nine years ago, 56% of Republicans had a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in higher education, but today, the share has plummeted to 20%. 

But GOP voters aren't alone. Confidence among independents has fallen from 48% to 35% since 2015, and among Democrats, it has dropped from 68% down to 56%.


I was very lucky to have received an excellent education at a small, private Catholic college. I would say that’s not necessarily the rule anymore. Of course, it was inevitable that the value of college education should go down as universities essentially morphed into trade schools, a process that has long been occurring. And degrees also became absolutely required for many jobs that, to be honest, were better performed before college education was required (such as journalism). Even worse than all of that was government involvement in and funding for universities, which, of course, made higher education much more expensive, inefficient, bureaucratic, and leftist.

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Add to that the fact that Communists have been infiltrating America’s educational institutions for at least a century now and the current results might be disturbing, but hardly surprising. Americans are finally waking up to that on a mass scale.

From Fox News:

Of those who are not confident in higher education, the top reason cited was concerns over political agendas at 41%, followed by 37% who said colleges have the wrong focus or do not teach the right things. Another 28% expressed concerns over the cost of college… Only 31% of respondents said higher education is on the right path, while 68% said it is going in the wrong direction.


Now if only parents will put their money where their mouth is and stop spending a fortune on sending kids to woke cesspools of universities. Too often now, a college degree is just a very expensive certificate of completion for a course in Marxist brainwashing.


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