
When Lefty Ideologies Collide: Native Americans Sue Biden Admin Over Anti-Gas Move

AP Photo/Judy Patrick, File

To paraphrase an eminently respectable source—a Disney Haunted Mansion ghost—what happens when two lefty ideologies COLLIDE? The results are in fact ghoulish. Look no further than Alaska, where a Native American group is suing the Biden administration for its impoverishing war on gas and oil.

Marxism is not in the least a rational or reality-based ideology, which is why modern Democrats (who are Marxists) have all kinds of avowed beliefs that are totally contradictory and that regularly come into collision. So Democrats say women should make their own healthcare choices when it comes to killing babies, but no woman could claim that prerogative when it came to COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Democrats say they love black Americans, but Biden spoke for party leadership when he gibbered, If you don’t vote for me, “you ain’t black.” Leftists claim to be compassionate but repeatedly free brutal criminals to victimize citizens over and over. And the Biden administration is determined to undermine gas and oil development despite the excellent economic benefits it provides for Alaskan natives.

Voice of the Arctic Iñupiat (VOICE) is an umbrella organization that represents 23 Native American organizations in the state of Alaska. Climate Change Dispatch (CCD) reported that VOICE filed a lawsuit against Biden’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Department of the Interior (DOI) last week. The agencies have decided to significantly restrict oil and gas development in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A) as part of the Biden administration’s destructive war on dependable energy. So much for Democrats’ supposed dedication to listening to minorities and respecting Native American wishes. 

There is no climate crisis, warming is actually beneficial for ecosystems, and so-called “clean energy” is incredibly unreliable, expensive, and toxic for the environment. The only reason to perpetuate the climate crisis myth and attack dependable energy is for political or financial gain. VOICE has both science and economics on its side in the lawsuit, which claims a violation of Congressional intent for the NPR-A and disregard for the interests of Native Americans. 

When it comes to choosing between anti-racist self-righteousness and climate propaganda, the Biden administration chose the latter.

[CCD:] The NPR-A is a 23-million-acre area in Alaska’s North Slope region that former President Warren Harding first designated as an emergency fuel reserve for the U.S. Navy before being transferred to BLM’s control in 1976, according to BLM.

While the reserve has massive amounts of oil and gas to offer, DOI moved into September 2023 to limit future oil and gas leasing on 13 million acres of the NPR-A by designating that acreage as “special areas,” and also to fully ban future leasing on nearly 11 million NPR-A acres… 

The NPR-A provides crucial revenue to local Native American communities to pay for things like education, healthcare, and sewage systems, according to VOICE, which credits wealth created by oil and gas development with significantly increasing the life expectancy for Native Americans living in the region.

This is, unfortunately, just one illustration of leftist contradictions and how utterly hypocritical Democrats are. Various leftist opinions must, of necessity, contradict each other, such as when those who preach tolerance scream genocidal slogans against Jews in support of Palestinian terrorists. And, unfortunately, it is peaceful American citizens hoping for a share in the American dream who lose from this leftist insanity—every time.


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