
Hypocrisy: Genocidal CCP Lectures World on ‘Human Rights’

AP Photo/Jeff Widener

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the government with the bloodiest and worst human rights record in history, is once again lecturing the world about human rights. Why do Western nations keep supporting and legitimizing such a shameless and evil regime?

Multiple governments around the world, including the Biden administration, have become more friendly with the CCP over the last few years, even as the CCP ramps up its war rhetoric and grows increasingly brazen in its hypocritical lectures. A recent statement issued by a CCP official and Chinese state media highlights just how totally untrustworthy and manipulative the CCP is. You can never trust a Marxist, a lesson supposedly “democratic” nations seem determined not to learn.

The CCP has committed and continues to commit genocide against religious and ethnic minorities, including the Uyghur Muslims, Tibetans, and Mongolians. The CCP’s 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre was just one tragedy in decades of slaughter, and the mass Chinese anti-regime protests in 2022 and early 2023 were so harshly repressed that it was called a “Tiananmen 2.0.” Since it came to power, the CCP is responsible for 500 million deaths and counting, far exceeding any other mass murderer in human history. Censorship, forced abortions, institutionalized sexual assault, political repression, genocide… these are just some of the CCP’s horrendous human rights abuses.

Below is CCP state media Global Times’ wordy and totally dishonest lecture:

China actively participates in global human rights governance, and does not accept accusations based on false information but is willing to work with other countries and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the basis of mutual respect and equality to promote the healthy development of the international human rights cause, Ambassador Chen Xu, permanent representative of China to the United Nations (UN) office in Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland, said on Wednesday.

Then, ironically, Chen griped about “double standards” — the representative of a tyranny infamous for its double standards! It’s also concerning, given the CCP’s record, that Chen was chosen as the representative for the Group of Friends on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights through Dialogue and Cooperation (when the name is that long, though, you know it’s freaking useless).

Chen noted that China adheres to a people-centered approach and has developed a human rights path that suits its national conditions, advancing equality and shared human rights of all ethnic groups within the framework of Chinese-style modernization… Chen delivered a joint statement on behalf of the Group of Friends on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights through Dialogue and Cooperation and a group of countries at the 56th session of the UN Human Rights Council, opposing the double standards of certain countries that use human rights as a pretext to interfere in the internal affairs of developing countries.

Chen Xu babbled about a “Cold War mentality” opposing “true multilateralism” and “territorial integrity.” This from the representative of a government determined to seize Taiwan, infiltrate as many countries as possible, and dominate the world. How shameful that countries, including the U.S., keep legitimizing and supporting the evil, murderous, lying CCP.


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