
War Looms: CCP Brags of Practicing to Seize Taiwan

Liu Rui/Xinhua via AP, File

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is explicitly conducting exercises to practice seizing Taiwan as the Biden administration grows more embarrassingly incompetent by the day. We could be heading for a bloody world war our current leadership would not be able to prosecute successfully.

The Democrat Party has been enthusiastic about starting or joining wars for many, many decades. So perhaps it is not surprising that Biden inherited an unusually peaceful world from Donald Trump — who projected strength to achieve peace — and turned it into a violent dumpster fire. Taiwan could be the next nation to fall to a tyrannical dictatorship emboldened by a weak U.S. This is clearly the CCP’s intention, and Biden and co. are not even remotely qualified to handle such a crisis.

The CCP has previously threatened to “wipe… out” any U.S. forces defending Taiwan. CCP propaganda outlet Global Times smugly wrote the following on May 24 — keep in mind the CCP is lying when it labels Taiwan as secessionist and denies Taiwanese independence:

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) and the China Coast Guard (CCG) continued to conduct drills around the island of Taiwan on Friday, forming what some experts call a new normal of "anti-salami-slicing" against provocations by the "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces… the command's capabilities to jointly take control of the battlefield and launch joint strikes, and to seize control of crucial areas…

At a training ground in the eastern part of East China's Fujian Province, separated from the island of Taiwan only by the narrow Taiwan Straits, modularized long-range multiple launch rocket systems entered firing positions and conducted mock fire strikes on Friday… the PLA will push up countermeasures every time the "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces provoke, until the complete national reunification is realized.

Now, this no doubt involves some exaggeration and blowharding, but the CCP is the greatest mass murderer in history and it explicitly plans to dominate the world. Is this not the perfect moment to launch an attack on Taiwan? China-funded Biden is in office,  there is an American election coming up that could put strongly anti-CCP Trump in power, and there is an economic crisis in China.

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The Biden administration certainly doesn’t care about how many Taiwanese die — just as they have been happy to allow Ukrainians to be sacrificed to feed the American military industrial complex. But what’s even more terrifying is that American troops could well be sent over to Taiwan to fight and die under bozo leaders selected by Biden’s handlers. Remember how well that turned out in Vietnam? The bravery of our men was squandered by stupid, selfish elites who had no capability or intention of achieving ultimate victory.

Our military is going to pieces under Biden. As of 2021, a “Lawmakers Survey” found “94% of Sailors Say ‘Damaging Operational Failures’ Related to Navy Culture, Leadership Problems.” As of Dec. 2023, the U.S. military was 41,000 short of its recruiting goals, and all the branches are getting woker all the time. It’s a dangerous situation to be in as Communist China gears up for war.


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