
Tiananmen Massacre Anniversary: America, Don’t Surrender Your Guns

AP Photo/Jeff Widener

Today is the anniversary of the culmination of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) troops slaughtered an unknown number of Chinese freedom protesters, and the Western world — including America — gave forth a few meaningless expressions of sympathy before being more pro-CCP than ever. But the massacre was not only a tragedy, it was a warning. Americans, don’t give up your guns, or the same government-enforced tragedy might happen to you.

If you think such a massacre could never happen in America, think again. Remember the Democrat feds’ bloodbaths in Waco and Ruby Ridge. Recall how Ashli Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland were brutally killed on Jan. 6, 2021, and the media and the Democrat Party made their police killers heroes. And now the Biden administration is aggressively attacking Second Amendment rights. 

“Today is the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre,” Lily Tang Williams, survivor of the CCP and current congressional candidate, posted. “As we remember the thousands of victims who were murdered by their tyrannical government in my native country, we must never compr[om]ise on our 2nd Amendment right in America.”

Williams escaped the horrific tyranny that the CCP imposes on the Chinese to come to America, but now the CCP is infiltrating and buying off American institutions and the government, including the Bidens. There were massive freedom protests in China in 2022 and early 2023, but the CCP so viciously shut them down that it was reportedly a “Tiananmen 2.0.” The Chinese have no weapons and no sacred constitutional rights under the CCP, which harshly regulates and almost entirely bans private guns. There’s a reason for that.

A government that is not tyrannical does not need to disarm the citizenry. Only a government that is planning to impose a dictatorship is desperately invested in confiscating private weapons and disarming the general population. Yet that describes the China-pandering Biden administration’s shady efforts to restrict, complicate, and penalize gun ownership.

From a crackdown that lost hundreds of gun dealers their licenses to banning private firearms sales to redefining what are “rifles” for increased regulation, the Biden administration has repeatedly attacked the Second Amendment. 

“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United States,” founder Noah Webster reflected with satisfaction. 

Fellow founder George Mason, the father of the Bill of Rights, which included the Second Amendment, noted that the British government during the American Revolution was advised to disarm the colonists as the “most effectual way to enslave them.”

Like the founders, Williams sees gun confiscation as a prelude to tyranny. If we don't want to see the tragedy of Tiananmen happen here in America, we need to stand on and vote for our Second Amendment rights. Like the famous Tank Man of Tiananmen pictured above, who made the choice for liberty or death, we must ask how precious our freedom is, and if we will tamely surrender our firearms and lose all protection against an increasingly anti-Constitution administration.

“Having previously lived under a tyranny, it seems clear to me that the U.S. government is going to try to infringe my Second Amendment right. What happened in China could happen in America,” Williams posted. “If the government can tell us what arms to bear, where to bear them, and how many shots you need to use to defend yourself, we might just become slaves.”


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