Most Americans Not Summer Vacationing Cite Finances Amidst Bidenomics Crisis

AP Photo/Alan Diaz, File

Over half of American voters won’t be taking a vacation this summer, and about three-fourths of those unable to take a fun break cited finances as their reason. Meanwhile, rising inflation, dropping real wages, and other disasters continue to plague Joe Biden’s economy.


Many Americans increasingly are struggling just to meet basic expenses, and luxuries like vacations are growing more out of reach for the ordinary citizen. Of course, Joe Biden has continued to vacation at an unprecedented rate, but his administration is ensuring that Americans not part of the Democrat elite cannot enjoy the same privilege. 

The majority of those Americans not going on vacation this summer simply do not have the money to do so. Bidenomics isn’t the only factor, but it’s certainly an important one.

Fox News reported the results of its recent poll:

[The] latest Fox News national survey finds many are not taking a vacation this year — largely due to finances… Of the 55% who are not going away, 73% don’t have enough money to do so, while 15% don’t have the time.

By contrast, Fox News noted that, in 2010, only about half (51%) of Americans not taking a summer vacation cited money as their reason. It appears Barack Obama’s third term — I mean, Biden’s first term — is even worse for the U.S. than Obama’s first term was.

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Meanwhile, even for those U.S. voters blessed enough to afford a summer getaway, around three-quarters told Fox that higher prices are impacting their vacation plans. Almost a third of these vacationing voters said that “prices matter a great deal.” 

It’s interesting to note that, as of nine months ago, Joe Biden had spent 40% of his presidency on vacation. Biden has continued to spend weeks or weekends vacationing away from the White House in 2024. If only he hadn’t made such relaxing breaks impossible for many US voters…

In general, the [Fox] poll also finds that over 8 in 10 (84%) say gas prices are a problem for their family, including 49% who say they are a major problem. Grocery prices are an even-greater concern with 89% saying they are a problem (62% a major problem).

For comparison, 8 in 10 also say health care (44% a major problem) and utility costs (44% major) are a problem, while for another three-quarters, housing costs are the issue (47% major problem). Far fewer voters (43%) call student loans problematic (24% major).

As of April, American households had to spend over $1,000 extra every month thanks to Biden’s inflation. The Bureau of Economic Analysis just had to revise down its estimated gross domestic product (GDP) growth for the first quarter of 2024. 


As of January, all that alleged economic growth was really just the government spending money it doesn’t have and adding debt. There’s bad news from every economic perspective. Bidenomics is a massive failure for everyone but the Democrat elite.

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We can only hope that Bidenomics will also backfire on the Biden administration with a major election defeat for failed Democrat policies in November.


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