
How Many Crimes Are Preventable by Ending ‘Bail Reform’?

Image by 4711018 from Pixabay

How many criminals who are released over and over again back onto the streets after serious illegal actions are committing crimes again, thanks to Democrat so-called “bail reform” policies?

Democrats are knowingly fueling a crime crisis, especially in major leftist cities. They institute policies to release even violent criminals almost as soon as they are arrested and refuse to alter the policies no matter how great the human cost. 

Indeed, Democrats go after political opponents with a vengeance while totally ignoring actual criminals! The leftists want to cause chaos and massive societal change. A Marxist revolution is unfolding in front of our eyes, right here in America.

For example, from the New York Post on April 8:

Alleged Latin Kings member Emmanuel Santiago, 32, keeps ending up in cuffs even as he faces seven open cases in the Bronx on charges ranging from intent to sell dangerous drugs, grand larceny of cars, possession of weapons, and allegations of domestic violence, according to law enforcement sources…

Despite the laundry list of alleged offenses — including at least 31 domestic incidents ranging from alleged assaults to death threats against women — Santiago has repeatedly been let go on non-monetary release, according to the law enforcement sources.

The full details the Post provided are shocking, but they illustrate only one example out of many. One high-profile example of this same problem is Jordan Neely, whom Marine Daniel Penny accidentally killed while trying to prevent Neely from assaulting others. Neely was a violent criminal with over 40 prior arrests! Penny would never have had to stop Neely if the latter had been in jail where he belonged.

We could no doubt find dozens of such examples, but ultimately my point is this: how many thousands of crimes are committed by men who have been released thanks to woke “bail reform” and leftist, soft-on-crime District Attorneys? How much of America’s crime crisis is due to a refusal to take any decisive action against individuals who are essentially career criminals — that is, they commit crimes as a way of life?

According to government data published in 2019, nearly 40% of U.S. offenders released in 2005 “engaged in violent criminal activity as part of their instant federal offense or prior criminal conduct.” For violent criminals, recidivism was at 63.8%. For non-violent offenders, recidivism was just under 40%. The problem has only worsened since then under Democrat policies, especially since many criminals never serve prison time at all now.

If you were in the general environs of the Capitol on Jan. 6, if you peacefully protested outside an abortion clinic, if you have attended a traditional Catholic church or have challenged government narratives on social media, or if you've publicly expressed support for Donald Trump, expect the federal government to label you a dangerous extremist/terrorist and come after you with the full weight of the law. Truly violent criminals, on the other hand — not so much.

State and federal officials are disinterested in dealing with real extremists and criminals rapidly turning our beautiful cities and towns into Marxist hellholes. And that is even without looking at the illegal alien invasion across the border, which is bringing ever more criminals into America at taxpayer expense instead of arresting and deporting them.

Related: The Number of Illegals Who Entered the U.S. This Year Might Shock You. Or It Might Not.

Unfortunately, we are unlikely to get honest statistics on crimes that the same individuals arrested and re-released repeatedly commit. But it’s a disturbing and sobering thought that countless murders, assaults, thefts, and other crimes could have been prevented if Democrats prioritized law-abiding citizens over criminals.


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