Exclusive: Mich. Congressional Candidate Calls for Americans with ‘Intestinal Fortitude’ This Election

(AP Photo/Thibault Camus, File)

“We require people with intestinal fortitude to stand up and say, ‘I’m not going to take it,’” congressional candidate Jason Ickes told me, emphasizing the need for Americans willing to say “no” to an overreaching federal government.


Jason Ickes, a former Green Beret, Special Forces, in the U.S. military and current co-leader at The America Project, is running for Congress in Michigan as a Republican this election cycle. Jason explained many of the challenges currently facing Americans that spurred him to run for Congress in exclusive comments to PJ Media, including rising inflation and the worsening border crisis.

Ickes, like many Americans, puts election integrity as a priority going into the 2024 election, but he says that the “number one issue facing Americans is inflation.” He explained that we are controlled “by kleptocrats who ensure that a never-ending stream of money is flowing to the top.”

Endless money-printing is bad for ordinary Americans, but not necessarily for the elites. “No matter how much money is printed the top 1% stay the top 1%,” Ickes insisted. “Our agencies that regulate and control commerce have serious issues and discrepancies, and they have done nothing but enable tri-opolies, duopolies, and monopolies to control energy, data, and oil.”

Ickes called out actions such as naked shorting or naked short selling, the illegal practice of short-selling shares that have not been affirmatively determined to exist,” and how such scams create or exacerbate situations like the 2021 GameStop debacle. He concluded, “If you don’t clean up Wall Street, then Main Street will never win.”


Ickes also emphasized the importance of border security, even as the Biden border crisis reaches catastrophic proportions with U.S. Customs and Border Protection apprehending 10,000 or more illegal aliens every day.

“Absolutely, you don’t have a nation if you don’t have borders,” Ickes stated. “It’s literally in the definition of a nation—what are its borders?  The open borders [crisis] is this globalist agenda to destroy all nations and create one world government.”

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Ickes also highlighted the various versions of plans for “15-minute cities,” emphasizing that we cannot simply expect to be left alone to live our lives without government interference. More than a dozen U.S. cities have signed on to the C40 Cities plan for getting rid of private transportation, allowing only three clothing items per year, and severely restricting airplane travel, for instance.

Ickes quoted the popular hit “Rich Men North of Richmond,” saying, “Lord knows they all just wanna have total control, wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do.”

Speaking of the rich men north of Richmond, government officials are more interested in enriching themselves than in helping ordinary Americans. Democrats pretend to be for the “little guy” while their policies damage America.


“Democrats buy voters through campaign promises of paying off student loans and expanding government welfare programs,” Ickes said, but while Democrats tout their supposed compassion, it’s Democrat cities that have the worst crime.

“Stop blaming Republicans for Democrat policies,” Ickes added, insisting that “Democrats play victim even when they are in total control.”

I asked Ickes what his number one piece of advice is for Republicans going into the 2024 election, and he appealed directly to voters. “Participate,” he said. “Participate at the polls as workers, as observers — participate. Stalin said, ‘I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.’” We have to care enough to try and ensure honesty in our elections.

“So it’s paramount that Republicans participate — if we roll over and let them have it, what’s the point?” Ickes concluded. 


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