VIDEO: Teachers’ Union Boss Suffers Conniption Fit Over Looming Department of Education Death

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

There’s hope in the words and emotion in the eyes
 It’s so easy to be misled by the savvy gentle guise
 And like fools we trust the delivery
 But it’s all just drunk sincerity
 -Bad Religion, ‘Drunk Sincerity’


You can see her practicing in the mirror — the Hitler-esque fist slamming on the table, the theatrically exasperated voice, the rhetorical non-apology apology (“sorry, I’m just really mad about this”) — to hit every note just right, to stir the emotions of MSNBC’s lobotomized viewers to maximum effect.

That’s why so many people are so mad about [shutting down the Department of Education]… [voice cracks] they’re just taking opportunity away from kids that don’t have it… Don’t take away their opportunity!

Related: Teachers’ Union Head Randi Weingarten KO’ed in Congressional Hearings Over COVID School Closures

Weingarten, for the record, is a nakedly partisan political hack, as is the public employee union she represents. She doubles as the teachers’ union boss and a DNC Rules Committee voting member. The union’s Open Secrets page reveals a cornucopia of funding avenues that all feed the Democrat machine.

Why public unions should be allowed to act as political arms of a particular party — I’ll never understand. They take money funneled indirectly from the public treasury through teachers’ dues and then put that money to work lobbying for… more public money and other public goodies, irrespective of how poorly public schools actually perform. The incentive structure seems all messed up — as is the education system in general that it produces.  

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But we know why the Democrats love the grift.

Of course, the real reason Weingarten is so hot and bothered is that eliminating the DOE would allow for school choice and would also move control over education back to the state level, both of which would be bad news for a federal teachers’ union's influence and power, and hers personally as well.

Then, she might not enjoy her cushy position on the DNC Rules Committee or get invited to fancy cocktail parties. When she’s no longer any use, she’ll be discarded on the side of the road and left to rot, because that’s what Democrats do even to their most faithful acolytes.

Via Fox News (emphasis added):

Teachers' union boss Randi Weingarten said during a recent podcast appearance that she is fearful President Donald Trump's plans to terminate the Department of Education will mean more funding for school choice vouchers, which she decried as a "tax credit" for wealthy families already sending their kids to private school. 

Weingarten's comments came during a podcast interview with Molly Jong-Fast, who spoke with her about the implications of Trump's spending reforms, particularly his plan to terminate the Department of Education. Weingarten stated that cutting the department's roughly $100 billion in funding will primarily benefit tax cuts for the wealthy or – "equally pernicious" – be redirected to states as "block grants."

"We know, for example, what Texas would do," Weingarten told Jong-Fast. "They'll use it for vouchers. So they won't give [federal funding] to the kids who have it now, they'll just give it for vouchers."


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