
WATCH: The Dumbest Vegan Debate You’ll Ever See

AP Photo/Andreea Alexandru

The “dumbest vegan debate” is a high bar, I know, but if you’ll bear with me, I believe my description of this event will be vindicated in full.

On the meat side of the ledger, you have Shawn Baker, arguably the foremost proponent of the carnivore diet, which prescribes solely consuming animal flesh for sustenance, predominantly beef in most cases. Jordan Peterson’s daughter, who claims to have cured her autoimmune illness with the diet, has also popularized the carnivore diet.

As a layperson with an interest in nutrition, I don’t know that I buy that the optimal human diet is entirely meat-based or animal product-based. What I do buy is that the agricultural food supply is horrifically tainted with chemicals and other contaminants that have caused, in my opinion, an explosion of chronic diseases such as the autoimmune disease that Jordan Peterson’s daughter experienced. 

Another benefit of the all-meat diet is that it is definitionally low-carb. The overconsumption of carbohydrates, especially in processed food, is another driver of chronic disease. So it’s not surprising that so many people feel so much better when they go all-meat.

On the other side of the ledger, the vegan one, we have the most perfect possible embodiment of the quintessential vegan archetype: a pasty, over-educated product of academia with a green-screen background full of vegetable oil bottles.

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Right off the bat, the background of canola oil raises red flags. Is this guy a troll? Vegetable oil is the single most toxic food product a person can consume, hands down. There is no argument on this point from anyone with any knowledge of nutrition. These are highly inflammatory oils that cause massive oxidative stress and trigger a bevy of chronic health conditions, including cardiovascular disease. That this gentleman would have them as his background either speaks to his troll status or total ignorance.

This debate is wild; the stuff that comes out of Canola Oil Guy’s mouth is so outrageous that I still struggle with whether to believe he is sincere or a troll, although he does have a strong social media presence and appears truly committed to the cause.

At one point, for instance, Canola Oil Guy suggests that he would like to “place the wild world into non-existence” because it is “morally problematic.” As an example, offered by Shawn Baker and agreed to by Canola Oil Guy, he considers it immoral for a lion to eat a zebra on the plains of Africa, as the zebra’s rights are being violated.

When asked what he would replace nature with, Canola Oil Guy then offers that he would like to substitute in “human infrastructure” where, presumably, the entire environment would be controlled by some sort of technocratic machinery that would eliminate the “rights violations” that occur when animals kill each other.

The debate repeatedly devolves into tedious sophistry on the part of Canola Oil Guy, like when he demands “empirics” to prove that Shawn Baker eats the equivalent of two animals per year, as he only eats beef and cows have hundreds of pounds of flesh.

Truly amazing stuff.


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