WATCH: Trans Discovers the Quran, Soon to Be Tossed From Rooftop

AP Photo/John Hanna

An LGBTQ4GF150+++™ lady with a lady-beard (those used to be such an oddity as to warrant a position in a circus) and a septum ring is apparently very jazzed about the Quran and all of the trans-friendly wisdom contained within its pages.


It claims that “Allah is beyond gender” and that it’s “having a whole revolution within myself.” It says that it started following “somebody on social media that teaches the Quran,” so you can be sure it’s getting totally raw, unfiltered truth about Islam and no propaganda whatsoever.

Per Social Justice™ dogma, the ultimate Axis of Evil is whiteness, heterosexuality, Christianity, and maleness. Any identity that is not these things, therefore, is on the positive side of the moral binary, as it were. (It turns out they do love binaries when they are moral ones that they can put themselves on the favorable side of. Imagine that!)

             Related: WATCH: Trump Prosecutor Letitia James Leads Anti-White Hate Chant

 Accordingly, the Social Justice™ faction of the left is positively desperate, and has been for years, to reconcile Islam with gender-deviancy as well as feminism, which it obviously cannot be.

(For instance, it seeks to grapple with the cognitive dissonance of “femle emancipation” and the forced donning of black bedsheets in the desert in places like Saudi Arabia.)


“Although the Qu'ran does not have verse explicitly in favor of homosexuality, it does have verses which show awareness of male beauty,” according to Fordham University.

Apparently the trans TikToker depicted above is not privy to the propaganda videos produced by ISIS — which, honestly, to its credit, does live in the highest accordance with the actual teachings of Islam, regardless of what one thinks of the morality; at least its adherents are honest in their barbarism — in which they toss homosexuals from rooftops to throngs of onlookers.

I have lived in Saudi Arabia, where you are forbidden from literally playing guitar on the street or having a drink after work. (One of my coworkers was reportedly deported for brewing prison hooch in his apartment bathroom.) The idea of Islam being compatible with gender-queerness is laughable.

I suspect the recent phenomenon of transgenders suddenly embracing Islam has something to do with the ongoing conflict in Israel. The left has rallied around the Palestinian cause, and in so doing has become newly Islam-curious as these people are incapable of nuance.


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