Transgender Male Claims He Has 'Designer Expensive Bougie Coochie,' Artificial Vaginas Superior to Natural Ones

A man with neon-red hair whose bedroom looks like a five-year-old’s fairy-tale conception of a princess’s royal quarters has apparently gotten some pushback from real women regarding the street value of his plastic vagina, and he is bitter about his “lived experience” or whatever being questioned. So he did a “clapback,” as the trendy gen Z internet children say.


“We have the designer expensive boogie coochie,” he explains–“we” meaning trans-identified males and “bougie” being urban pigeon English for “bourgeoisie,” meaning “upper-class.”

“You’re just mad,” he concludes.

The problem is that, while this gentleman is clearly delusional about the relative quality of his multi-thousand-dollar medically crafted flesh canal that he calls a vagina, he’s hit on a kernel of truth.

The joke’s on him, though, as the ultimate beneficiaries of biomedical engineering won’t be transgender Pinocchio men, but fully mechanical sex dolls that provide lonely men with all the sexual satisfaction of an attractive partner with none of the human baggage or the challenges of interpersonal relationships. And they won’t have weird Adam’s apples or enormous hands like the transes, which serve as immutable reminders of their true biology.


Related: Patriot Barbie vs. the Trans School Board Member 

Even in their rudimentary stage of development, Japanese sex dolls are all the rage in the Eastern hemisphere, and even Western men are getting in on the action.

When it comes to sex dolls vs. bio-transgenders, the robots are a much larger threat to the natural sexual order in the long run.


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