Patriot Barbie vs. the Trans School Board Member


Does the name Lindsey Graham ring a bell? No, not the senator, the other Lindsey Graham, also known as Patriot Barbie. According to her podcast and website of the same name, she was given that title by the liberal media and adopted it as her own. She is the woman who attended the school board meeting in Buckeye, Ariz., in a cat costume. Here’s a little refresher:



Remember her now? That appearance got her labeled as hateful and a transphobe. You know, all of the usual Hallmark greetings reserved by Leftists for anyone who may just slightly disagree with them on even the most minor of points. During that meeting, Graham was concerned about Paul Bixler, a former teacher and principal and member of the school board. Bixler also contends that he is a woman, and as such, he wears his wife’s clothes. At issue was Bixler’s potential influence over the students in the district.

The school board meeting was not the only place where Graham and Bixler would clash. Most recently, Graham was at the Esporta Gym in Goodyear. And so was Bixler. Graham claims that she was in the locker room changing. Bixler was in the room and ogled her breasts.

As the Daily Mail reports, Graham called the cops and said that she would do it every time Bixler decided to use the women’s facilities. In this instance, Bixler was not arrested or charged. Graham told the Mail:

There was no communication between us whatsoever. I didn’t speak to him; he didn’t speak to me. He had his back to me, but there was a mirror, so when he turned around after loading up his things, he was able to see me completely topless. The idea that he was in there and I was undressing is enough to have violated my rights. When I called the police they seemed to be well aware of him already. I don’t think this is the first time that it has happened. They knew what card is being played, and he told them that he has had bottom surgery so he is allowed to use that changing room. It is frustrating because the police told him he’s free to go and let him go back into the changing room. What if there was a little girl getting changed in there? Realistically I’ll never get undressed in that locker room now.


Graham said that the employees of the gym were happy to accommodate Bixler and that the incident provides people with a “get out of jail free card to force themselves into women’s spaces.” This, she adds, creates safety and security concerns.

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What is alarming about this case is that such incidents are no longer unique. It’s not news, and that in and of itself makes it news. Experiences like Graham’s are becoming ubiquitous. Somebody out there is reading this and saying “It’s no big deal. It happens all the time.” Once it becomes boring, it becomes normal.

And if what Graham is alleging is true — that Bixler was looking at her breasts — then one must ask if Bixler does indeed consider himself a woman, or if he is merely taking advantage of a social trend for his own gratification. The fact that he feels comfortable using the restrooms and locker rooms of either sex would seem to indicate that his gender is whatever he wants it to be on any given day. And even if he wakes up every morning singing “Man! I Feel Like A Woman”, the fact that he apparently felt entitled to look at Graham’s breasts would indicate that he has little regard for anyone but himself, and he could not care less about the effect that his actions may have on others. This is an attitude that has become endemic to not only the movement in question but the modern Left.


As I have said before, I have met LGTBQ people who were honorable and had consciences. So the capacity for thoughtfulness and selflessness is there. But Big Gender refuses to embrace those things. Which raises the question: Just whose rights are these people interested in promoting?



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