What Will You Miss the Least About Joe Biden?

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It seems like just this summer that I wished Presidentish Joe Biden a "fondless farewell" as "easily the worst human being to hold the office of president of the United States." [Steve, it was just last summer —Editor] But now that the man whose "ability to f*** things up" has never been underestimated at this site prepares to leave the office he barely held, let's reminisce about the things we won't miss the most. 


"Biden exited the stage last night," I wrote of his too-late-for-primetime DNC farewell address, "largely forgotten before he'd walked onto it." He'll vacate the White House the same way on the morning of Jan. 20. But not his legacy, such as it is; that will haunt this country for a long time.

The first thing I won't miss the most is Biden's first two years of multitrillion-dollar laws. Did the Inflation Reduction Act reduce inflation? Did the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act create modern infrastructure? Did the American Rescue Plan Act provide necessary rescue to the economy? Nah. Biden's economic record includes the worst bout of inflation in almost 50 years, a seemingly permanent jobs recession, and an explosion of spending, debt, and regulation meant to hobble this country for generations. Not to mention jillions in giveaways to well-connected progressive non-profits and NGOs.

"His foreign policy of coddling authoritarians and dictators while running roughshod over our allies has unleashed war from Eastern Europe through the Middle East to the Red Sea — and the Pacific isn't looking too great, either," I wrote in August, and the threat of war has only grown. 

None of us will miss this garbage, except for the straphangers on the Biden gravy train.

Lord, but I won't miss any of that — and neither will you.


Even as Biden prepares to shuffle out the door, the cabal in charge of his brain can't help but give the country more middle fingers. 

Getting more personal, I won't miss Biden's stuttering invective, his stammering harangues, or his mumble-mouthed pretenses at moral certitude. The lies, all the lies... all so badly delivered. I won't miss having a president the rest of the world rightly treats with utmost unseriousness. 

I'm really very quite seriously not going to miss having a dotard puppet part-time play-acting as POTUS.

Biden's record of mental decline, inflation, debt, overregulation, stuffing DEI into every federal nook and cranny, and war are all solid choices for the bottom spot. But there's one more aspect of the Biden administration that, personally, I can't wait to be rid of more than anything else.

All the slavish media lip service. 

Those complicit SOBs lied to us for four years about Biden's mental acuity and the depths of his family's corruption. Now that both are undeniable, those same MSM Journolists™ are finally reporting on both — as though they're news. As though those intrepid sleuths fearlessly uncovered, after a years-long investigation of what you and I have known for years.

Then there are Biden's signature legislative achievements, already addressed, that both he and the Mainstream Media were happy to sell as his measure of success. 


I know the lying won't stop on Jan. 20. But at least we'll get lied to about the good things Trump will hopefully accomplish instead of all the harm Biden did. If nothing else, at least the MSM will give us a change of scenery. 

Then there's that thing Biden will miss the most, the brass ring he could never grasp. He wanted to be remembered as the next FDR or at least as the next Barack Obama — not that either of those two deserved their historical reputation. Instead, Biden will be remembered as the punchline to an unfunny joke of an administration, delivered more in sorrow than in humor. Which is still better than he deserves. 

What will you miss the least?

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