Seriously, What the Hell Is Wrong With Tucker Carlson?

Gavriil Grigorov, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP

"Oops!... He Holocausted again," is one historian's take on Adolf Hitler and World War II, as presented yesterday on Tucker Carlson's X show.

FLASHBACK: I used to enjoy the occasional Tucker Carlson monologue on Fox News. His content was usually pointed and amusing and delivered with a breezy charm. But I rarely bothered with a Tucker Carlson interview. As an interviewer, too often, I found him strangely incurious and glib instead of breezy.


Carlson's interview on Tuesday with alleged historian Darryl Cooper — like his interview in April with Reverend Munther Isaac, referenced in today's flashbacks — was so much worse than merely glib or incurious.

Carlson chose to interview Cooper, whom he endorsed as "the best and most honest popular historian in the United States" to learn exactly how World War II didn't happen. According to Cooper — and Carlson nodded along the entire time — Winston Churchill was perhaps "the chief villain of the Second World War" and "primarily responsible for that war becoming what it did."

It's true that Hitler did not want or expect Britain to fight. He wanted Britain to acquiesce to German dominance of Europe from the Urals to Gibraltar and subsume the UK to Nazi interests. This is all a matter of historical record. Britain could fight or submit — that was Hitler's choice, not Churchill's. 

FLASHBACK: Carlson chose to interview Isaac to find out how the Jewish State of Israel treats Christians. Isaac is a priest who neither lives nor works in Israel and who uses the loaded phrase "Occupied Palestine" as his location on his Twitter/X profile. He is a Palestinian Christian from Palestinian-controlled Bethlehem, where Christian ministers serve at the mercy of the Palestinian Authority.

As for the Holocaust — brace yourself — Hitler was just being merciful, according to Cooper. "We can’t feed these people, we don’t have the food to feed these people," Cooper imagined the Germans thinking after fighting on the Eastern Front accidentally created more prisoners and refugees than Germany could cope with. "And one of them actually says, ‘Rather than wait for them all to slowly starve this winter, wouldn’t it be more humane to just finish them off quickly now?'”


"Oopsies!" is not a valid excuse for the methodical execution (and sometimes torture) of six million Jews and another six million assorted "undesirables" like gays, Gypsies, cripples, and the mentally retarded. The Germans killed roughly 3.3 million Soviet POWs during the war, too, largely through forced labor and malign neglect — not by accident or out of mercy. 

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Cooper, an alleged historian, has apparently never heard of Generalplan Ost. Hitler's "General Plan for the East" was his prewar plan for 100 million Russians, Ukrainians, etc., from Soviet lands west of the Urals. German soldier-settlers would, in stages, resettle the entire eastern third of Europe after taking tens of millions of Slavic peoples and murdering them, enslaving them, or expelling them to Siberia. 

The Holocaust against the Jews was just the warmup act for Generalplan Ost

FLASHBACK: Did Carlson not know before he chose to interview Isaac that Bethlehem was 80% Christian before the Palestinian Authority took it over and that now it is 80% Muslim? Was Carlson unaware before the interview that the Arab world has been on a decades-long ethnic cleansing of Christians from their ancient communities in the Middle East and North Africa? 

For what it's worth, I read a lot of history — particularly WWII — and I'd never heard of Cooper before Carlson chose to shine his spotlight on him. Probably because he isn't worth reading. So why the spotlight?


Barring providing the context I just gave you, Carlson could have conducted a second interview with a WWII historian who isn't a Hitler apologist, like Victor Davis Hanson. Or he could have spoken to them both at the same time in a discussion/debate format. Or maybe Carlson could have at least asked Cooper more pointed and revealing questions. Or maybe — just maybe — Carlson could have resisted fawning over the so-called historian who pinned the blame for WWII on Churchill and thinks the Holocaust was humane. 

But Carlson did none of these things. Why not?

Cooper is either a loon or a fraud. Carlson said he's "the best and most honest popular historian in the United States." Is following a trail already well-trod by Candace Owens really where Tucker Carlson wants to go?

"Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action," Ian Fleming wrote in "Goldfinger."

One fawning interview with a rabid antisemite like Munther Isaac is happenstance. A second fawning interview with a Hitler apologist like Darryl Cooper is coincidence. Will Carlson go for three and force us to conclude he's conducting an enemy action?

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