Welcome to Insanity Wrap, your weekly dose of the best of the worst. The normalization of groomers is the new big crazy.
- Math is hard (for Pete Buttigieg)
- Teachers don’t know grammar but they do know microaggressions
- Nuance explained without nuance
Before we get to today’s big story, here’s a short video to make you lose whatever little faith you might still have in humanity.
This Is Not a Sane World, Exhibit #1,000,006
She’s proud that she’s grooming and indoctrinating her toddler. Poor kid pic.twitter.com/deb7NZKMWx
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) March 15, 2022
As a fully-accredited member of The Patriarchy™, it is Insanity Wrap’s sworn duty to ask: Where is the father in all this grooming insanity?
Is he absent? Acquiescent?
Either is a serious dereliction of duty.
Groomers: Another Damn Thing We Have to Be Concerned About
“Leftism has no limiting principles” is one of those aphorisms we on the Right like to whip out whenever some leftist crosses a line, hoping to erase it.
Never has that hit closer to home than it has these last two weeks, as the Left rallied in defense of… [checks notes] child groomers.
Insanity Wrap apologizes in advance if our usual jaunty tone is somewhat subdued today, but we’re sure you’ll understand.
The only people I know who have an unhealthy obsession with "innocence" and "purity" are sex fascists.
— HarveyDelaney (@HarveyDelaney37) March 14, 2022
Good ol’ Harvey here claims to be a “sexual violence preventionist” who teaches “the importance of consent.” That his job title includes a made-up word is a big red flag that “consent” might just mean “teaching kids how to consent behind Mom & Dad’s backs.”
Insanity Wrap has never been accused of being a “sex fascist,” whatever that is. The stuff we happily did in our 20s and 30s might make several readers of this blog spontaneously combust if we merely hinted at it.
We’d do it again, too, if we hadn’t grown up, gotten responsible, had to set an example for our own kids, etc.
The point is, Insanity Wrap was a young adult at the time. At no point in our teens, tweens — or younger! — did we have some creepy old person trying to tell us what was OK.
And the reason we have to make this point comes to us courtesy of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who might just be the bravest man in America.
Before DeSantis puts his signature to Florida’s anti-grooming law, he’s had to steel himself against something no other American politician has ever had to face: Nationwide backlash from cultural and political figures in defense of creepy old people who want to go behind your back to talk to toddlers and elementary school kids about sex.
Up to and including the giant (and gross) Walt Disney Company, although perhaps nobody is more flagrant about it than social media cretins.
right wingers love "groomer" as an insult bc it's the only child abuse accusation that, by definition, can't be applied to parents
— men and hommes / Betty Larceny 💋 (@communoah) March 14, 2022
Kids ask about sex, it’s true. Insanity Wrap’s policy (along with Mrs. Insanity Wrap) is to give straightforward, age-appropriate answers.
That’s our business. Other parents have different policies, and that’s their business.
It’s nobody’s business to insist that near-strangers have the right to influence youngsters’ sexual development. That includes people who might have noble intentions, although evidence strongly suggests that few such people exist.
Because what the hell kind of noble intention could there possibly be in grooming a child?
But the Left, having talked themselves into believing that there are 57 genders and that an emotional or mental issue is somehow one of that plethora of genders, now finds itself righteously (!) defending the worst kinds of sexual predators.
Without endorsing violence even tacitly, Insanity Wrap predicts the following: As a country and a culture, we either find a way to settle this peacefully (with more laws like Florida’s) or the extralegal backlash will be ugly, indeed.
Still not as ugly as a groomer though.
Recommended: Monty Python Star John Cleese Is the Latest to Be Silenced
Your Weekly Dose of Mandated Unity
A friend just took this picture while touring a public school in Portland. pic.twitter.com/I4cHGF3VmC
— Jeremy Wayne Tate (@JeremyTate41) March 14, 2022
There ARE only two genders.
It isn’t just that so many public schools have gotten so stupid in so many new ways, it’s that they’re also so stupid in all the classical ways.
Math Is Hard

CHASER: Tesla raises prices across its entire EV lineup. “Although Tesla has quietly raised prices overnight, the move didn’t come out of left field. On Twitter, company chief Elon Musk hinted at the possibility of a price hike. He said both Tesla and SpaceX are seeing ‘significant recent inflation pressure in raw materials [and] logistics.'”
Tesla prices are up a minimum of $2,000 on base models in recent weeks, $3,000 on long-range models.
Higher gas prices will cost you “only” about $1,300 this year.
Math is hard … for Pete Buttigieg.
Quote of the Week
"There are biolabs in Ukraine. The State Department has admitted it. Those labs contain dangerous pathogens that, if not secured during a ceasefire, could cause untold death."
— Will Chamberlain (@willchamberlain) March 15, 2022
Insanity Wrap has had it up to HERE with Mitt Romney, functional Democrat.
(We understand that at the national level, “functional Democrat” is an oxymoron. Which only serves to underscore our point about Mittens.)
That said, when social media controls the narrative, there’s little room for nuance. You either have to take the side of Team Ukraine and All That Is Holy, or you’re Putin’s Stooge.
Allow us to get briefly into the nuance.
Ukraine is not “the free world,” as so many insist. For most of the last 30 years, it’s been a badly-run kleptocracy. Despite amazing resources and a well-educated populace, Ukraine is the poorest and most corrupt nation in Europe.
(Corrupt per capita. Russia remains the most corrupt at scale.)
Whether Vlad the Invader takes all, some, or none of Ukraine is not our business.
(Here’s where the nuance kicks in. Also, Insanity Wrap must speak bluntly and somewhat graphically here, because that’s just how we nuance.)
…Putin has for years positioned Russia as a strategic competitor to the U.S. and the West, while cozying up to our main rivals in Beijing.
Rather stupidly, if you ask us, Putin also decided last month to whip out his … you know … and display it for all to see on Ukraine’s table.
Manners, Vlad!
While we have no strategic interest in defending Ukraine, we do have a rather strong interest in hurting Putin.
So while Putin has it whipped out and just lying there exposed, it’s damn near our sacred duty to keep Ukraine supplied with ball-peen hammers. Putin can stop the pain any time he likes, just by putting it back where it belongs and zipping it back up.
How’s that for nuance?
About Those Russia Sanctions…
“Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says that Moscow has received guarantees from the US on its ability to trade with Tehran as part of ongoing talks to salvage the Iran nuclear deal.” https://t.co/GtV3v8S1uo
— Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) March 15, 2022
Russia has long served as a backdoor for Iran to cheat on our sanctions, and now Presidentish Joe Biden will let Iran act as a backdoor for Russia to cheat on our sanctions.
All so Biden can get an even worse version of Barack Obama’s craptaculent Iran deal.
We live on the stupidest possible timeline — change my mind.
Previously On Insanity Wrap: Secret Iran Deal Invaded by Russia… Biden Surrenders
One More Thing…
There’s a whole collection of these over at The Federalist if you need a good laugh.
That’s a Wrap for this week.
Come back next week for another Insanity Wrap…
…assuming we make it that long.
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