
'Five O'Clock Somewhere' with Kruiser, VodkaPundit, Special Guest - Replay Available

I have to type these words very softly. My little school district is on its second consecutive snow day, and the only bad part of a snow day is when Mom or Dad accidentally wake the kids earlier than they need to get up.

That’s the nice way of saying I hope Melissa and I get some bonus peace and quiet until, say, lunchtime. Maybe lunchtime tomorrow.

I forgot to bug Kruiser last night to see who he’d lined up for this week’s guest — as Mr. Entertainment, he willingly donned the booking agent mantel ages ago — and now it’s Zero-Dark-Thirty and he’s all asleep after writing today’s Morning Briefing.

So everything is just eerily quiet this morning, but I have a hunch that will all end approximately 14 seconds after Kruiser and I switch on our webcams for today’s VIP Gold Live Chat.

See you this afternoon — can’t wait!

P.S. If you aren’t already a VIP Gold supporter, what are you waiting for?


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