Insanity Wrap needs to know: How can you tell that Joe Biden has gone yet another record-setting day without an initial press conference?
Answer: POLITICO is spinning it as a “largely gaffe-free White House.”
Before we get to the sordid details, a quick preview of today’s Wrap.
- Seattle responds to police shortage with additional budget cuts
- Hysterical video of the White House playing musical step-stools at the presidential lectern
- Female soldiers are just as good as male soldiers unless they don’t have to be
And so much more.
Shall we begin?
This Is Not a Sane World, Exhibit #1,000,006

Seattle City Council proposes more cuts to police as 911 response times and crime spike
This is the kind of story that forces Insanity Wrap to have second thoughts, but we’ll get to those in just a moment.
First, read this:
Seattle Police officers left the department in record-breaking numbers as a direct result of the popular democratic ‘Defund the Police’ movement, as well as violent civil unrest in the wake of the death of George Floyd last May.
This past year, 186 officers left the Seattle Police Department. A stark contrast compared to the 56 officers that left the department the previous year. There are currently 1,260 sworn officers in the Seattle Police Department, numbers that Chief Diaz claims is too low to meet public safety standards.
During Seattle City Council’s Public Safety and Human Services Committee meeting on Tuesday, Chief Diaz and members of his staff laid out concerns regarding the proposed $5.4 million in additional budget cuts, with the greatest concern being the staffing crisis.
Problem: Seattle can’t keep or recruit enough police officers due to budget cuts and castigating the department.
Solution: Continue castigating the department and deepen the cuts.
Prediction: Crime will skyrocket but Seattle voters will continue electing #DefundThePolice-type Democrats, when what they need are some “re-fund the police” Republicans.
So here’s Insanity Wrap’s second thought.
We’ve always been fans of that quote about insanity, you know the one. usually attributed to Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”
Insanity Wrap can no longer endorse that definition.
Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result isn’t insane: It’s stupid.
Look, there are two kinds of stupid people.
There are people who are born stupid, and just can’t learn very much. It isn’t their fault, and they could probably use some help, which they’d probably even appreciate.
Then there are people who choose not to learn. These people are stupid on purpose, and they usually (always?) deserve your scorn.
Instead, we get can’t-help-being-stupid people electing stupid-by-choice people, again and again.
Allow Insanity Wrap then to make a small alteration to the old quote: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is democracy.
Your Daily Dose of Mostly Peaceful Protest
"Rioters in #Portland and #Seattle hate America and rule of law, so courthouses, police stations, anything that has to do with criminal justice system, they view as targets."
— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) March 16, 2021
Insanity Wrap was created last summer in no small part because of the partly violent riots — excuse us, the “mostly peaceful protests” — in places like Portland and Seattle. Not so much because of the riots… er, protests… themselves, but because local governments there actively encourage the destruction of their local businesses and communities.
Here we are, one election and 166 Insanity Wraps later, and the insanity shows no sign of stopping.
If you weren’t already nodding your head at our new definition of “democracy” in the last item, how about now?
You’re Being Gaslit
Rage against the ‘gaffe machine’
Insanity Wrap did a double-take, followed by another, making this POLITICO report perhaps the world’s first quadruple-take inducing hot take.
JOE BIDEN, disciplined messenger?
Two and a half months in, that’s undoubtedly the case. The president so far has surprised some of his former colleagues and allies with a largely gaffe-free White House debut after a lifetime of verbal stumbles.
More like: “JOE BIDEN, the un-messenger.”
President Porchlight has made limited public appearances, all in controlled circumstances extreme even for an American president. Even then, Biden’s lifeless doll eyes have trouble acting as the go-between for the teleprompter and his mush-mouth.
It would be sad if the stakes weren’t so high, or if he weren’t pushing the most radical legislative and executive order agenda in American history — supported nearly in full by the gaslighting infotainment industry.
But don’t touch that dial — get ready for the False Drama portion of POLITICO’s narrative.
Biden is set to appear on “Good Morning America” on Wednesday — only his second sit-down television interview as president — and has pledged to hold his first White House press conference by the end of the month.
As though GMA were some sort of hard-hitting news program, or as though host (and former Clinton guru) George Stephanopoulos weren’t still a paid Democratic operative.
POLITICO has set the bar so low, a dead snake could clear it.
Or maybe even an increasingly brain-dead POTUS.
Previously On Insanity Wrap: The Racist Ice Cream Horror Has Been Eliminated
The Craziest Person in the World (Today)
Is this a joke
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) March 16, 2021
Today’s craziest person is the one who doesn’t understand that Presidentish Biden and his POTUS-in-waiting are indeed a joke, just the kind that makes you cry instead of laugh.
Your Daily Dose of Mandated Unity
U.S. Army considering cancelling ‘gender-neutral’ fitness test after study finds 65% of women fail
Nearly 30 years ago, Insanity Wrap read Stephen Ambrose’s Band of Brothers, the story of the paratroopers of “Easy” Company, 506th Regiment, as they trained and then fought from D-Day to the conquest of Hitler’s “Eagles Nest” sanctuary.
All these years later, one passage still stands out in our memory.
The men of Easy Company volunteered — and they had to volunteer to become paratroopers — for the toughest training and some of the most dangerous soldiering. Asked why, very different men gave very similar answers: If they had to share a foxhole with someone, they wanted to share it with the best soldiers the Army could produce.
If women are able to perform as well as men, let them serve alongside men. But any woman who can’t live up to a universal standard needs to understand that she isn’t fit (literally) to share a foxhole with someone who is.
This is very basic, life-and-death stuff, and Insanity Wrap can’t believe we need to explain it.
It’ll be a long way down from the men of Easy Company to the barely-qualified trainees enjoying some easy company instead of hard training.
And Now For a Brief Moment of Sanity
GP My generation (GenX) has a lot of issues and is by no means perfect.
But I *think* it might be the most clearheaded on race, being realistic, rather than the idealists in the Boomer, Millennial, and GenZ generations.
— The Gormogons (@Gormogons) March 16, 2021
No matter your age or what generation you belong to, do yourself a favor and read this thread.
It’s less about “One Generation to Save Them All!” than it is about disabusing ourselves of the destructive notions of big government and group identity being the solution to our problems. When, in fact, they’re bankrupting us and turning us against one another.
One More Thing…

Remember: Democracy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
That’s a Wrap for today.
Come back tomorrow for another Insanity Wrap…
…assuming we make it that long.
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