Kerry: Assad Can Stay

"We are the champions..." (AP photo)

An about-face years in the making:

“The United States and our partners are not seeking so-called regime change,” Kerry told reporters in the Russian capital after meeting President Vladimir Putin. A major international conference on Syria would take place later this week in New York, Kerry announced.

Kerry reiterated the U.S. position that Assad, accused by the West of massive human rights violations and chemical weapons attacks, won’t be able to steer Syria out of more than four years of conflict.

But after a day of discussions with Assad’s key international backer, Kerry said the focus now is “not on our differences about what can or cannot be done immediately about Assad.” Rather, it is on facilitating a peace process in which “Syrians will be making decisions for the future of Syria.”


It was ridiculous for President Obama to call for Assad’s ouster then do virtually nothing to achieve his stated goal.

It was ridiculous for Obama to draw a red line in the sand, then act as though he never had.

It was ridiculous for Obama to continue to insist that Assad had to go, while requiring his help to remove some of his regime’s chemical weapons.

It was ridiculous for Obama to hold on to this fiction that Assad would indeed go, as the threat from ISIS spread throughout eastern Syria and into western Iraq.

It was ridiculous for Obama to stomp his foot yet again over Assad, as Russia was committing serious forces to defend his ally in Damascus from rebel forces.

Now, finally, after all these years John Kerry was the one to put a stop to Obama’s ridiculousness.

John. Kerry.

Can you imagine?


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