Your ♡bamaCare!!! Fail of the Day

The settled law of the land is unsettling for hospitals:

Maribeth Shannon, a director at CHCF, said, “If hospitals cannot adapt and play under the new rules it will be a challenge for them to survive.”
Several California hospitals have undergone recent changes that might have been related to the ACA’s new requirements.

For example, UC- San Francisco’s Benioff Children’s Hospital and Children’s Hospital in Oakland last week announced a merger in an effort to offer more services while saving costs.

Meanwhile, the not-for-profit Daughters of Charity Health System this month announced it will sell all six of its hospitals.

According to the Mercury News, the six hospitals are “safety-net” facilities, which tend to treat a disproportionate number of low-income individuals.[Emphasis added]


The lessons on the difference between coverage and care are just beginning.

The line forms to the left, comrades.

(H/T, A.C. Spollen.)


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