Bus-Size Lump of Fat Found in London Sewer

Single or double-decker, the world wonders:

London water authority Thames Water has discovered what it calls the UK’s largest “fatberg;” a mushy deposit of congealed fat and sanitary wipes. Found in a sewer in Kingston, South West London, the fatberg was roughly the size of a bus, and weighed 15 tons. “We’ve never seen a single, congealed lump of lard this big clogging our sewers before,” says Gordon Hallwood, supervisor at Thames Water. The blockage was discovered after local residents reported being unable to flush their toilets.

The horrific deposit was so large that it’s taken the sewer in question out of action. Before it was removed, it had reduced the sewer’s capacity to just five percent of its regular level, and the damage it caused will take six weeks to repair. “If we hadn’t discovered it in time, raw sewage could have started spurting out of manholes across the whole of Kingston.”


All I can think to add is, ew.


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