More Op-Ed Hate Speech from the Newspaper of Record

Maureen Dowd in today’s New York Times:

[The] gory, Gothic melodrama on the Potomac…”Rosemary’s Tea Party”…it was the president — and the federal government — being chased through dim corridors by a maniacal gang with big knives held high…their feral attack on Washington…They were like cannibals…They were like vampires…They were like zombies, relentlessly and mindlessly coming back again and again to assault their unnerved victims…They were like the metallic beasts in “Alien” flashing mouths of teeth inside other mouths of teeth, bursting out of Boehner’s stomach…the Tea Party slashers roaming the corridors of the Capitol have feasted without resistance on delicious victims and will only grow bolder.


Please, Mr. Sulzberger, bring a stop to this violent rhetoric before it inspires real killers.


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