Drudge has been going nuts with the launch Interntional Criminal Court, going into full-bore Tabloid Mode. He’s had the same four headlines running prominently in the lefthand column for more than a day now.
US Pushes to Keep Its Troops Exempt…
House committee voted authorization for president to use force to rescue any American held…
Let’s get past the hype for a moment, please. The history of the ICC will be written from the American perspective like this:
The ICC was often a vocal thorn in America’s side, but proved little more than an ineffectual home for European left-liberal lawyers and politicos who also worked in government positions or had failed careers in the private sector.
Sorry, wimps — there won’t be entire US armored cav regiments serving time for crimes against war criminals.
Sorry, hawks — there won’t be any air assaults on the Hague to rescue our boys from their Dutch jailors.
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