Flashback Friday is a new feature for our VIP members. If you’re not yet a member, you can join here. Today we bring you an early blog post from Your Friendly Neighborhood VodkaPundit, who was not yet married to the Lovely Melissa. Enjoy!
Kids, I thank you for the big increase in traffic over the last couple weeks as I get my bearings and learn what I’m doing here. But just a quick couple items.
First, this is a civilized blog. I’m rarely up before 9:30, and a decent respect for… well, just a bad pre-coffee attitude dictates I don’t post before 10 or 10:30am. And that’s Mountain Time. So mornings are a great time for you to catch up on yesterday’s posts, but new pickings will be lean at best before noontime..
Second, I’m still not quite sure what this blog is. Partly political humor, part warblog, part news and blog links, part geopolitics, part bellowing rant. So tell me — which part or parts do you like best? Do I lay off the jokes and do more analysis? Or the other way around? Are the rants too too too mean? Not enough links? Just a little direction here from you would be great — I live to please my readers.
Actually, I live to keep the VodkaFiance happy — but I’ve got to do something while she’s at work.
Send your, uh, suggestive emails to stephenagreen-at-earthlink.net. You’ll have to cut’n’paste and change the “-at-” to @, but you know why — posting a real email address will lead to lots of spam. And we don’t want that. [Editor’s note: that email address is now defunct.]
OK, I’m gonna get back to the grind so you can have a steaming pile of fresh postings shortly. Meantime, tell me what you’d like to see.