
Hunter Biden's Secret Job

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

For most of this week, I've been pulling the threads of what I believe are foundational stories for our VIPs. These stories come from an extraordinary, nearly three-hour interview with former State Department lawyer, Mike Benz citing his own experience in government and in his research since leaving. 

Benz is a former State Department official who worked on international communications and technology issues, a huge portfolio, and now advocates for digital freedom at his Foundation for Freedom Online. He has done as much, if not more, to unmask the Censorship Industrial Complex by the State Department, FBI, CIA, and three-letter agencies than maybe even Elon Musk's "Twitter Files." 

The stories are:

Here's How Sinister the Deep State 'Blob' Censorship Operation Really Is

There Are a Trillion Reasons Why They Want Trump Dead

In case you haven't read them, make sure you put them in two extra tabs so you don't forget. 

Now, in this current piece, I go into Hunter Biden's Secret Job. Another one on government censorship will follow. 

I say these stories are foundational because, like a decoder, they help bring clarity to the chaos swirling around us in this political season. 

They answer questions, such as:

  • What is the Ukraine War and our participation in it really about? 
  • What is the real reason why the deep state, or as Benz calls them, The Blob, hate Trump enough to want to suffocate him in his bed, raid his home, scare the hell out of his wife, and keep him from the White House? 
  • Why is the Biden family getting a relative pass for its obvious corruption? 
  • Why isn't Hunter in prison by now? 

So what gives with Hunter Biden's "secret job," Victoria? Glad you asked. 

No, I'm not referring to his artwork.

Last December, before any charges were brought against Hunter Biden, I finally had someone on my Adult in the Room podcast I could ask. Sam Faddis is a retired CIA agent and author of a recent book on how to revamp the spy agency. We know now that CIA-connected 7th Floor types (like former Acting CIA chief Mike Morrell) conspired to dismiss the grotesque Hunter Biden laptop as "Russian disinformation" when they knew it was real. Side note: Faddis was a consultant for those who came into possession of the laptop and determined it was real.

Note what he says about the possibility that Hunter Biden is an intelligence asset.

What Faddis believes about the unusual way in which Hunter was treated considering his Chinese Communist Party friends and also his friendship with Patrick Ho, a former Hong Kong minister and businessman with ties to the Shanghai-based Chinese energy firm CEFC.

Ho was rolled up by the feds, pleaded guilty for paying bribes to African, not US leaders, and sentenced to three years in Club Fed in March 2019 and was out of prison by June 9, 2020. He spent roughly 450 days in prison, which was considerably less than the 1095 days to which he was sentenced. If you haven't listened to the soundbite above I urge you to go do it now.

Related: This Day in Hunter Biden's Laptop: 'Can [Joe] Remember With the Dementia and All?'

With that background, there's even more atmosphere surrounding the younger Biden, besides crack and hookers, I mean. And Mike Benz says it puts Hunter Biden square in the middle of places where only intel types go.

He told podcaster Shawn Ryan that Hunter Biden sat on the advisory board of the National Democratic Institute. There's also a National Republican Institute. These organizations are part of the National Endowment for Democracy which Benz says is a "CIA cut out." They were "created in 1983 because the CIA wanted an NGO constellation to do the kinds of soft power influence work that it used to do as a clandestine operation." This was after the Church Committee castigated the CIA for this type of domestic work.

Benz says the CIA created these organizations to do "public facing democracy promotion operations." He says, "you can scale it much better [and] it doesn't seem like it's a big infraction on civil liberties." Plus, he told Ryan, "It's not a diplomatic incident if someone gets caught because the U.S. just up announces we're promoting democracy in the region and that may mean funding the political opposition that may mean funding media that that you know goes against one candidate in for another." 

The operation sounds like what Barack Obama did he when used taxpayer money to send his campaign team to Israel to run a campaign to defeat Bibi Netanyahu. 

Says Benz, "This is a CIA cutout that Hunter Biden is on the was on the board of. You don't get on the Chairman's advisory board of this organization unless "you have at least an informal relationship with or linkages to intelligence because you are doing intelligence work" through intelligence back channels. Moreover, Benz says, the National Endowment for Democracy "has outright come out and said that they do what the CIA used to do." 

Related: Hunter Biden's Laptop Is SO REAL It Will Be Used as Evidence in His Gun Trial

"Then you have the CIA's interference in the Hunter Biden IRS case," Benz says. The CIA intervened when the DOJ tried to question Hunter's "financier" otherwise known as his Sugar Bro. According to IRS whistleblowers in their congressional affidavits, "The CIA intervened and told the Justice Department not to question Hunter Biden's chief financier" who paid five years of back taxes for the president's son. 

Let's go the intelligence asset tote board. 


You have these CIA interlinkages directly with that [NDI] affiliation. 

You have the CIA waving the Justice Department off of [the guy who's] funding Hunter Biden.

Who do you have on the board of directors at Burisma right next to Hunter Biden? Cofer Black, who spent 30-years in the CIA and also won a State Department distinguished medal.

But wait, there's more. 

So you have this one two punch of the Democrat wing of the CIA and the Republican wing of the CIA both represented on this tiny little board of directors of the exact private gas company that is literally being pitched to the State Department as an instrument of statecraft against Russia.

The State Department therefore blesses this activity, which "includes corporate espionage, broker deals to do money laundering in order to make these things happen; the CIA calling people off at the Justice Department to avoid looking into the sources of [the] funding. 

He concludes, "This is why Hunter Biden has been protected."

Indeed, the younger Biden called his money-making activities "patriotic" and even asked the State Department to protect Burisma because the Ukraine oligarch-run energy company was "an essential instrument of U.S. statecraft." 

Related: A Day in the Life of Hunter Biden's Laptop: 'The Smartest [Liar] I've Ever Met'

Hunter Biden, crackhead, wouldn't have been an agent, but he could have been an asset.

Hunter monetized nearly every aspect of his life, including his dad's job. He was given jobs, and money that he spent on hookers, drugs, teeth, suits and 10% for the Big Guy. Was one of his jobs also as an asset? And for which countries was he working? 

What do you think? 


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