
The Latest 'We Hate Trump' Election Letter Is Full of Liars, Spyers, and Cryers

AP Photo/Cliff Owen, File

Americans are roiling in information chaos. It's an F-4 information maelstrom out there. If you pay any kind of attention you can appreciate how bizarre and other-worldly the news cycle is right now. Assassination plots, cooked cats, overrun borders, panga boats filled with Chinese illegals washing up on California shores. Fake news. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Tony Blinken, and Jake Sullivan taking the world to the brink of World War III, some contend, and the concerted effort to keep Donald Trump out of the White House. 

We've heard that there are assassination squads out to get Donald Trump. As someone noted on X, we weren't "allowed" to see the letter that the tranny wrote before she shot up a Nashville Christian school for fear of copycats and recriminations, but we can see the letter written by latest assassin and Ukraine enthusiast who staked a $150K bounty on Trump's head?   

There are stories about the former and possibly future president curbing his outdoor rallies and golfing to keep him out of harm's way and off the campaign trail. The Secret Service and other law enforcement can't keep him safe, but the same outfits can assure the safety of President Volodymyr Zelensky to come to stump in Pennsylvania for Kamala Harris. Really? National Review headlined its story, "Democrats’ Perfect Phone Call to Zelensky." 

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Which brings me to the liars, spyers, and cryers. Look, I'm going for rhyming here, not spelling. 

As Catherine reports nearby, some 700 former and current State Department and other government apparatchiks have written another spies-who-lie election letter because, it turns out, there's a huge swath of progs, State Department terrorist lovers, and military retirees who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Here's my "favorite" signer of the latest We Hate Trump letter: Alexander Vindman, the Ukrainian who has been on the White House national security team and the guy who started the hubbub about Trump's phone call to Zalensky about Joe Biden's bribery schemes featuring Hunter Biden and Burisma. That started the ball rolling on Trump's "perfect phone call" to Zelensky. See the above mention about the Democrats' perfect phone call. 

Trump was right. There was a Biden shakedown going on and much more. 

Another person who signed the letter was Ben Rhodes. You remember that name because he's former President Barack Obama's speech writer, and later Deputy national security adviser and muse turned podcaster. He's the guy who midwifed Obama's shift to the Muslim Brotherhood (from whence all Middle East terrorism flows) in Egypt. What a freaking loser. 

Then there's Susan Rice, who was also a Biden and Obama national security advisor and who sent that infamous email on the last day of the Obama Administration to say he'd green-lighted a national security investigation of Donald Trump "by the book." This is when they set up Trump National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn in a perjury trap and started the Russia! Russia! Russia! investigation. 

And then there's, well, whaddaya know, old Jimmy Clapper. James Clapper is the former director of National Intelligence (DNI), an organization prompted by the intelligence reorganization following 9/11, which I'm becoming more and more convinced needs to be dismantled. He's the guy who lied to Congress about spying on Americans. He also knew the Russia collusion scam was, well, a scam.

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And we can't leave out old Victoria Nuland. The former ambassador and acting deputy secretary of state brought you the Ukraine war and before that, she orchestrated the 2014 coup of Zalensky's predecessor. She specializes in starting color revolutions. 

Steven Chu once was secretary of energy. His main goal in life was to make energy so expensive that Americans wouldn't be able to travel freely and affordably. Indeed, he wanted to make sure American energy prices were as expensive as the Europe's prices. That's not good for sovereignty and energy independence. Hint: He's not on our side. 

Donald Trump believes in sovereignty, borders, LEGAL immigration, energy independence and not starting endless wars. You can see why this bunch can't stand him and want him far from the White House. 

If you're still being overwhelmed by the news cycle throwing so much chaff in the news sphere, remember to keep it simple. Just ask yourself, "Who loves my country?" and the question will answer itself. 


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