Democrats Offer Free Money to Illegal Aliens to Buy Houses — and an Election

(Seen on MeWe.)

The political math is simple. The first variable of this equation is that there's an election coming up. Add 15-20 million illegal aliens who crossed the border during the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris open border debacle as another part of the equation. Give them free college tuition and $150,000 down payment for a house. Add it all up and you've got a stolen election. Or, if that same-day registration/mail-out ballot situation doesn't pan out for election 2024, you end up with a bunch of strangers' undying devotion to a political party willing to finance this r*pe of the American taxpayer.


And, as an added bonus, it will end up increasing the cost of homes for citizens.

This isn't in the realm of fantasy. This is real. It's happening. And the Democrats are using your money to pay off non-citizens — while they laugh at you. 

Oregon and California have announced programs to give money to people who illegally came to the country to buy homes.

Here's the California legislature's plan:

The loan program, called California Dream for All, provides 20 percent in down payment assistance, up to $150,000. It is a shared appreciation loan in which the only interest the homebuyer pays would be 15 or 20 percent of the home’s increase in value upon selling the property, depending on their income level. The program has received state funding but is also run by the California Housing Finance Agency, which generates revenue through mortgage loans and not from taxpayers.

The Democrats refer to these illegal aliens as asylum seekers. The DHS and American government don't check to determine if these people are legitimate asylum seekers. Some — most — of these people come from countries that don't keep good records. 

Democrats are just making it all up because they want to flood the zone in congressional districts to change the electoral college numbers and thus, representation in Congress. If they can get these foreign nationals to vote in the 2024 election? Well, that's just gravy. There's no way to check the ballots against a registration process that is comprised of universal mail-out ballots.


And so here we are. 

I previously reported that California was doing this anyway, without a Democrat supermajority:

The California Democrats have been doing this for awhile, as I pointed out in a recent West Coast, Messed Coast™ report: 

El Cajon, Calif., in San Diego County, is currently the biggest dumping ground for illegal aliens that Joe Biden has let into the country. The city is being overwhelmed. 

Watch this gobsmacking interview with El Cajon Mayor Bill Wells who says that among the perks illegal aliens are promised by California taxpayers are free college tuition, free abortions, and a 20% down payment for a house. These are perks that American citizens don't even get.

I included this video from El Cajon, California:

Related: West Coast, Messed Coast™: Are the Rats Jumping Ship Edition

In Oregon, it's worse. The ranchers, high-tech workers, craft brewers, and baristas are bankrolling the $30,000 for each illegal alien — and legal American citizens are not allowed to apply for the same grant. 

I did not stutter. It's "state-sponsored discrimination." 

The money was offered by the Hacienda Community Development Corporation (HCDC) as part of its "Camino a Casa," which is advertised as being "only for people who are not American citizens." The move has sparked an angry backlash, with one Oregon Republican lawmaker branding it "state-sponsored discrimination."


I attempted to chase down Newsweek's "state-sponsored discrimination" quote because I wanted to shake the hand of the person who said it, but that person's name didn't come up. 

It's true, though. This $30,000 payday to those who aren't citizens is taxpayer-funded discrimination because this nonsense gets its money from all kinds of NGOs and government entities such as Metro, the City of Portland, Multnomah County, Portland State University, the Portland Children's Levy, the city of Portland Parks and Rec, TriMet, and who knows how many more groups that receive government money from the state but flip it back as a "grant."

Kamala Harris and all so-called Democrats are fine with this as long as your unrealized capital gains taxes pay for it. In case you don't know this reference, yes, Harris is in favor of paying taxes on assets you haven't sold yet. 

One more thing. Kamala Harris is floating a plan to give first-time homebuyers $25,000 in down payment money. 

The Wall Street Journal reports that this will only increase the cost of housing for everyone. Doubt me? 

The National Association of Home Builders estimates government regulation adds a total of $94,000 or 23.8% to the cost of a house. The Biden-Harris energy, environment, and labor mandates are driving these costs. 

Worse, "[F]ederal cost drivers such as Davis-Bacon wage requirements, excessive safety regulations, tariffs on imported construction materials, and restrictions on logging on federal lands" are driving up the costs of housing."


The Democrats' rules and regulations and inflation continue to increase the cost of housing for Americans. Now they're throwing more inflation-inducing dollars at housing and expecting American citizens to compete with these outsized, unnecessarily high prices. 

Biden, Harris, and Obama, the guy behind all of this, are buying votes with your money. You're paying the cost and the vig for someone else. 


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