Treading Water: Biden Campaign Dodges on Key Corruption Question as More Evidence Emerges

AP Photo/Visar Kryeziu

On Thursday, Biden campaign spokesman Jamal Brown did not deny former Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski’s claims that he met with Joe Biden in person in 2017. In a blockbuster interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson on Tuesday, Bobulinski claimed that Hunter Biden introduced him to Joe Biden and explained that Joe Biden had been involved in his son’s business deals with China. The Democratic nominee has insisted he never talked business with Hunter.


Brown had an opportunity to deny the meeting ever took place, but he refused to answer the question.

Cheddar host J.D. Durkin pressed Brown on the allegations, noting that both Facebook and Twitter astonishingly chose to suppress a New York Post story about the Biden corruption allegations. Durkin asked a softball leading question in order to get Brown to address the issue.

“I was curious if that’s still your position, that because we saw big tech react the way they did on The New York Post story, that the allegations in it are off the table, that they are false as far as you’re concerned,” Durkin said.

The Biden spokesman shot even this down.

“Look, we’re not going to waste any seconds on this smear campaign,” Brown said. “It’s another distraction. We’re going to keep our eyes on the prize. We have five days to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the next president and next vice president of the United States, and to send Donald Trump packing.”

Durkin pressed Brown for an answer, this time specifically mentioning the Bobulinski meeting.

“To clarify, there were more accusations made this week on that most-watched interview a couple nights ago from Tucker Carlson,” the Cheddar host noted. Carlson’s interview with Bobulinski drew more than 7 million viewers. “Did those meetings happen, as they have been alleged, when Joe Biden was a private citizen?”


“We’re not going to waste any time on this smear campaign because it’s just another distraction to distract away from four years of Donald Trump,” Brown responded.

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The Joe Biden corruption scandal involves specific claims that, contrary to his repeated claims, the former vice president was deeply involved in his son Hunter’s notorious foreign business deals in China and Ukraine, among other places. Biden served as former President Barack Obama’s point person on both China and Ukraine, and his son Hunter made lucrative business deals in both countries, despite lacking experience in the sectors involved.

Notoriously, Hunter Biden joined the board of the corrupt Ukrainian gas firm Burisma while his father negotiated with Ukraine’s government. Joe Biden would later pressure the president of Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who claims he was investigating Burisma at the time.


Worse, Hunter Biden’s business deals in China arguably undercut America’s interests in military technology, nuclear technology, and rare earth minerals. His deals helped the Chinese in their oppression of the Muslim Uyghur minority.

The New York Post published a bombshell article on emails discovered on Hunter Biden’s laptop. Those emails suggested that Joe Biden knew about and even financially benefitted from his son’s deals. Yet Facebook and Twitter took unprecedented actions to suppress that story.

In the wake of this suppression, former Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski came forward with documents backing up his testimony that Joe Biden was indeed deeply involved. Bobulinski handed over those documents to the FBI and to a Senate committee. On Wednesday, a spokesperson for Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) told the Daily Caller that all the material Bobulinski provided that the committee had reviewed so far has turned out to be legitimate. The committee did not come across any “signs” or evidence to suggest the content is false.

This confirmation adds to a growing list of evidence suggesting that the bombshells revealed in Hunter Biden’s emails and Bobulinski’s testimony are true. While the Biden campaign, Democrats, and legacy media outlets have insisted that the bombshells are Russian disinformation, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, the FBI, and the DOJ rebutted that claim. Vladimir Putin himself came out in defense of Biden’s business deals.


Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) claims his staff had verified the Hunter Biden emails. Team Biden has not claimed that the documents were forged. Perhaps most importantly, Bobulinski has risked his reputation to come forward, presenting reams of evidence to back up his story.

The Biden campaign’s refusal to address these specific claims — backed up by evidence — seems quite damning. If Joe Biden had not met with Bobulinski and had not been involved with Hunter Biden’s notorious foreign business deals, why not say so? Jamal Brown could have unequivocally denied Bobulinski’s story, but he did not.

Instead, the Biden campaign has grasped at straws in an attempt to dismiss the growing scandal as “Russian disinformation” or simply suggested the entire issue is a distraction — just like Biden insisted that questions about whether he would pack the Supreme Court were a “distraction.”

All this evasion only bolsters Bobulinski’s credibility and makes Biden seem not just corrupt but extremely slimy.

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Tyler O’Neil is the author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Follow him on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.

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