Dem. Sen. Heidi Heitkamp Called the 'Resistance' a 'Waste of My Time'

YouTube screenshot of Heidi Heitkamp calling the "resistance" a "waste of my time."

In a meeting with the Greater North Dakota Chamber of Commerce last Friday, Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) called the anti-Trump “resistance” movement a “waste of my time.”


Heitkamp mentioned “two things that are happening that really challenge us,” saying the first is “the resist movement.” She described the movement as “no nothing — just resist — don’t do anything just resist” President Donald Trump.

“I believe that’s a waste of my time,” the senator said. “Why would I be there if all I’m there to do is say no?”

That is a fascinating question, especially from an embattled Democrat who accepted $10,000 from Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)’s PAC For A Level Playing Field on March 23, 2017. Heitkamp is up for re-election next year in a deep red state. If the North Dakota senator opposed the movement, why accept the donation from Warren’s PAC?

Here’s the video of Heitkamp’s remarks.


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